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Meat coral help

Rocks Reef

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Ok. I have a meat coral that I have had for quite some time. At first it was in a Fluval EVO 13.5 with the stock 16W led. It was open and beautiful....Then it began not opening up. So...I moved it to the 90 with MH setup. Placed it on the bottom in the opening of a "cave" to get indirect light. This was about 3 months ago. Haven't seen it fully expand yet. It expands enough to not see the outline of the skeleton, but nothing like it should. Think it needs more light? It's a 250W MH in an old school Coralife fixture with 96W 50/50 PC supplementation. Not the greatest light but everything else is thriving. 


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Generally, not always,  when a coral does not expand as much as it did in another tank it's because the light level is higher so it does not need to expand s much to get the same amount of light.   Constantly moving it is not good for it either so be patient trying to find it's sweet spot.

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