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Naso tang


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I've had this adult naso tang since May. He still refuses to eat frozen food or seaweed. He doesn't graze at all. I've been basically keeping him alive by feeding him live brine shrimp and black worms. It's the only thing he will eat. I've even tried mixing the live brine with frozen and still nothing. I don't see any other fish bothering him at all. He's in a 180 gallon tank. Really not sure what to do with him at this point. Also no signs of ich or any other disease/infection. Tried red, green, and brown algae. Anything else anyone could possible think of to help him?

Sg 1.025

Nitrates 10-20

Phosphates 0.03


Calcium 450

Temp 78.1

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2 things. I dont know if you have tried but soak the seaweed between your fingers in the tank for about 30 seconds. then squish it up and in front in front of a power head so it blows around little pieces. That worked for my tang. also...ROD's fish food. there are enough different types of food mixed together he is bound to like one of them. And ROD's is pre-rinsed so it wont raise your phosphates.


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Tried that, also tried rods, larrys reef frenzy, mysis, pe mysis, brine, emerald entree, and krill lol. Also tried soaking food with garlic or selcon still nothing. The most stubborn fish I've ever had.....

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He goes crazy for the brine and black worms, other than that he just sits in the corner looking at me like I'm stupid when adding anything else lol but thanks for trying to help!

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Will he eat blood worms? You can get frozen packs, he might eat those. So Brine, black worms and blood worms with the occasional grazing you are good to go.

Have you tried to do a mix of live brine and frozen together. Perhaps the mix of the two will entice him and then you can slowly reduce the amount of live vs frozen to see if he continues to eat

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Thanks everyone for the suggestions! It just amazes me I can't get a naso to eat! This is my second one already, first one did the same thing until he eventually starved to death. Beginning to think nasos are just not my thing. I know everyone has that one fish they can't keep alive to save they're life lol

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Just a thought Jen, but if someone delivered me steak and lobster every day, and then tried to get me to eat granola bars instead, I wouldn't even touch the granola bars. Maybe the steak and lobster needs to go away for a couple weeks if you know what I mean. Granola bars would look pretty tasty to me then. [emoji4]

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You've already initiated a feeding response and that's the biggest part! It took about two weeks for my Naso to eat seaweed from the clip. He favors it above everything else I feed and starts to eat before I attach it to the clip. He's gotten my finger more than once.

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