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Tang has dots on his fins

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Looks like lymphocystis. A virus that displays physical symptoms in stressful events. It's pretty common on angels but I've seen it occasionally on tangs as well.

Nothing you can really do for it other than allow it to run its course and if it's less stressed, perhaps it'll go away with time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I actually had a porcupine puffer that was covered with it. He looked like he had warts all over his body. I soaked his food everyday in either selcon or garlic. It took a long time to go away but it finally did. Looking at him now you could never tell he had it. Definitely have to have patience because in can take weeks sometimes months to get rid of. best bet is to boost his immune system as much as you can. I also dosed the tank with vitamin c as well. Seemed to help! Best of luck to you!

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Looks like lymphocystis. A virus that displays physical symptoms in stressful events. It's pretty common on angels but I've seen it occasionally on tangs as well.

Nothing you can really do for it other than allow it to run its course and if it's less stressed, perhaps it'll go away with time.

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Honestly this was more annoying to treat then ich lol, sad part is, they could look perfectly healthy at the fish store then these little warts pop up out of nowhere!!!! Not really any medication to treat, like you said you just have to ride it out, and it's one heck of a ride!

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