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First tank wanted to make sure this was not bad


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If you cycled the tank with the corals in it, then they are probably pretty ticked from the ammonia/nitrite levels in the tank during that time. I see at least one button polyp open so it looks happy enough to survive is my guess.

The thing on the glass looks like a clove polyp that has attached. But I'm just taking a swing for tthe fences as it's a really grainy picture.

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I really appreciate it. It was close to the powerhead and I think it got dislodged by a snail or hermit.

I have another question if yall don't mind. The live rock I got has a mushroom coral on it and it looks like a piece of aluminum foil is caught in it. Should I try and remove it or let it be?

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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+1, metal and reef tanks don't mix usually.

Though on a random side note, my Al level in my tank is 86 ug/l, about 20x the average concentration in natural seawater with no issues. I can't say what form of aluminum it is though but probably an inert one by my guess.

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