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My 125 Gallon Reef Build


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So my wife and I had a 29 gallon FOWLR we had established, running great, but wife wanted more and bigger fish, so we found a 125 gal tank on Craigslist for $200. Offered the guy $100 he took it and we went to pick it up. It had been abandoned in his room for a while, and DIRTY!!! But it looked in good shape so we brought it home.

While we picked up the tank, dude also gave us a protein skimmer and pump, 1 powerhead, and some heaters, as well as some buckets and misc plumbing. SCORE!

I cleaned the tank up real good, and we sanded and painted the stand black, and I built a canopy for it.

We used an old Rubbermaid tub as a sump, and plumbed some DIY overflows, and she was ready for water!

Saddly, during our transfer we had a ph spike while we were I the hospital having our first baby girl, and we came home to a ton of dead fish, only survivors were our sand sifting star and flame scallop.

(So if you have any cool livestock for sale, hit me up.)

But here's the build as it runs so far, making lots of changes every day.



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Sucks to hear about the crash. Do you know what caused the pH spike?

Congrats on the deal of a tank and new daughter. Sounds like an exciting time!

We had read some stuff online about finding wild rock, and how to test if it would be safe, and I think it was some bad advice.

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Good to hear your getting it under control. Yeah I think non professionally cleaned rocks are little gamble. I was having the same problem with ammonia. Tim knows what he is doing and the only thing I used different was rocks I got from a landscaping supply comp. They are now fine but took a little longer to cycle.

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Got sump leak tested, and cleaned xtra silicone off, about to install!!


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I'd wait at least a week before putting it online until the silicone completely cures. You'll leach chemicals in your water otherwise and could kill corals and fish.
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Got sump leak tested, and cleaned xtra silicone off, about to install!!


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I'd wait at least a week before putting it online until the silicone completely cures. You'll leach chemicals in your water otherwise and could kill corals and fish.
Im posting all the old pics I have super out of order, today ill be Installing it, just about a week past new sump build

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Ok, so I finally got this sump swapped out, it was a PITA for sure

Had to remove the front support, luckily it was non load bearing, then fitted everything in!

I went to the dollar store today and found a new basket to put all my fish stuff in, wife wanted her pretty basket back, and found some sections of outdoor carpet that fit perfectly, I think it will knock the vibration factor down


Removed everything




Got the new sump in and the DSB and Cheeto swapped, as well as a little cord management id been putting off





All done!


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So I did it, I plumbed hard lines for my overflows and the return yesterday, looks so much cleaner and quieter too!

Picked up a dual media reactor off the classifieds yesterday, (thanks @crendon2003!) Just finished installing it running GFO and carbon.


I feel like I actually have a real set up again finally!!

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Added some corals from the monthly meeting, and picked up a nice powder blue tang for the wife.

Happy Hammers


Happy Zoas


Happy Acros


Happy Monti


Happy Tang


Happy Clowns and Damsel


So glad to get the tank started on filling in!!!

ARC Rocks!

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