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Mg. levels keep falling weekly!

Good Greef

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Hey everyone,

I was hoping I could get some expert help here before trying Reefcentral. In a nutshell, my Mg. level constantly reverts to 1200 ppm from 1300-1350 only 1 week after supplementing with the DIY recipe of Randy Holmes Farley - which calls for a mixture of magnesium cholride and magnesium sulfate using Epsom Salts and BRS Magnesium Chloride.

Based on the infamous online calculator, with a net water volume of 65 gallons Im supposed to add 26.5 floz slowly over several hours and never enough to increase by 100pm per day. I test 24 hours later and my Red Sea Pro test kit shows 1350.

Either way, in a week it always falls back to 1200.

1. Is this normal? Ive always read that it takes a lot to bring up Mg. but once its up there it maintains fairly constant with water changes.

2. I surmised that it could be low Mg. levels from using Aquavitro Salinity which seems to always be lower in Mg. and Ca. than the stated ranges. So I skipped my 15% weekly WC and the levels still dropped to 1200.

3. Is it possible my corals are consuming this much? I only have mini colonies or frags so I doubt it, but stocking list is:

Frogspawn (6 heads)

Elegance Coral

blastos (20 heads)

Trumpet Coral (10 heads)

bubble coral

purple xenia

2x zoa rocks about the size of a tennis ball

Toadstool Mushroom size of softball

Devils Hand leather


maxima clam

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From what I understand. Corals don't literally take up the MG. MG is used more so to help maintain Alk.

I would bet maybe you're skimming it out?

Maybe someone else can chime in, but I've never had issues with dropping MG and I don't dose it at all.

I have used TechM and BRS MG

so maybe its the mixture you're using also?

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I agree with Juiceman, Mg is not consumed by coral, it is used to allow higher levels of calcium in solution than would naturally occur.

I believe there is a process of chemically binding of the mg to calcium which keeps the calcium from precipitating out of the water as calcium carbonate deposits. (see: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-06/rhf/#21)

If I had to guess I would say you might use less mg if you dosed less calcium?

What is your calcium level?

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My calcium levels go from 450 to 375 over the week as well. I dose that with Kent turbo marine calcium, the day after I dose magnesium. It's my understanding that a magnesium of 1300 will help maintain stable calcium and alkalinity levels.

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Only reason I mention coralline because it is a large consumer of Mg by weight.

I wish I could add more of my observations from experience but I've never really had to dose Mg because enough is supplied by my Calcium reactor.

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@Farmer TY: Is a regular weekly drop of 75 in calcium level a lot? It seems large to me, as if there is a lot of precipitation going on ...

Good Greef - are you seeing a lot of calcium buildup on your heater, waterline, etc etc?

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My thoughts were on precipitation as well though even a margin of error on the Ca test kit could be a factor here. My calcium could drop ~40ppm in two days but I also have a SPS dominant tank. 75 ppm drop seems absurd for the current tank inhabitants though I guess it would depend on the size of the colonies/clam.

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Jolt - no i dont see much calcium buildup on my heater or waterline. I was thinking it must be precipitating but dont know whats causing it to get to higher levels temporarily.

Ty- none of the colonies are huge, so it cannot be the corals consuming it id guess. May be errors on my red sea pro test kits, but its also tough to believe that this "spike then settle" of Ca and Mg has happened consistently weekly over 9 months.

I need to read into those hanna testers. Just wanna find a more clear cut measurement of Ca, Mg, Kh that doesnt require color comparisons weekly.

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Precipitation can also show up as the sand clumping up into balls

Most people like the hanna alk tester, I have one

I've heard less glowing reviews of the hanna ca tester. I use red sea pro for CA and mg

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Precipitation can also show up as the sand clumping up into balls

Most people like the hanna alk tester, I have one

I've heard less glowing reviews of the hanna ca tester. I use red sea pro for CA and mg

Took the words right out of my mouth.
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Precipitation can also show up as the sand clumping up into balls

Most people like the hanna alk tester, I have one

I've heard less glowing reviews of the hanna ca tester. I use red sea pro for CA and mg

Took the words right out of my mouth.

what he said

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