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RKL - My Experience and Final Opinion

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So I purchased and set up my RKL w/ Net controller this past weekend, and have some successes and some issues.


1.) Downloaded RK 2.0 and updated all modules

2.) Connected and daisy chained all modules in this order: RKL > PC4 > SLX > Net > Itemp w/ Net Ethernet connected to router

3) Set up Itemp probe and pH probe both calibrated and reading on head unit.

4) Set up lighting on PC4 timer and working

5.) Set up heaters and connected to Itemp probe successfully and working

6) Set up a couple of alarms and successful

7.) Connected to Net Server 2.0 found router & successfully and set up account.

8.) Set up head unit to control from Net and enabled


1.) On Net Server 2.0 it list my controller as an Elite system instead of Lite system and wondering if this makes any difference as I am experiencing some failures here. One is I can control nothing from Webserver and not even re-name units, another is it is counting 3 modules which I know should include the Net module although I know it will not list the Net module. It list 1 PC4, 1 RKL w Itemp reading and 1 unknown module which I am unsure if this is the Net module or an erroneous naming of the SLX module.

2.) I can get no pH reading on the Net Server although it reads on the RKL head unit How do I get it to read the SLX module and it's pH reading. Should I re- update it thru RK 2.0 ?

3. I cannot get my email test to send correctly although I have it filled out w/ smtp.att.net using port 465 although I am finding new info today saying smtp.mail.att.net w/ port 465 or 587 so I will again be utilizing some new configurations.

4.) Can't figure out how to program head unit to turn my JBJ auto top off to off if pH exceeds a desired amount. Don't see a path to connect a PC4 channel to trip with a pH reading on the SLX module. Is this even possible.

Any help would be appreciated please respond here or PM me whatever is easier.



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1). Yes it matter on the rkl vs rke. Did you update the modules individually with them connected to nothing else as per the instructions? It seems there is a problem with the slx module. Do an interrupted power update. Plug the module into your computer. Hit update. When the progress bar starts unplug the Sid from the module. NOT the Sid from your computer. After it says programming failed plug it back in. It will ask what module it is. Tell it that it's a slx and reprogram.

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Thanks Reburn

I got w/ Dave on the DA help forum and he suggested I download the new Net Bin update and upload to my web page which I did and it corrected all the problems.. Except of course the email problem...got any suggestions on this one

Think I found the link between my JBJ auto top off and my pH probe. On the PC4 channel it is plugged into you can set it to controller mode and it will link to pH values to open/close when ph above/ below set parameter. Just have to figure out the combination of the above / below and open/ close parameter. I would like to set it to shut off the ATO when the pH value is above the set limit. therefore: I believe I want the channel OPEN when pH parameter is higher than set limit??? I'll have to play around with it some to be sure though.

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No. To be honest I never got the email to work right. I gave up. It's supposed to be a lot easier with the archon. We will see. My frag tank will have an archon on it. I already have it just need to install it.

On the ph ATO deal I think it's on/off instead of open and closed. But that looks right.

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Since I've seem to have gone as far as I can with the DA Reef Keeper Lite (RKL) w/ Net Module, I thought I'd give my input to date.


Price $318 included are: The head unit, PC-4, SLX module w/ temp & standard pH probes, and the Net module to interface VIA Ethernet cable to a router. No one else really comes under in pricing to include net interface, temp and pH probe capabilities included, w/ (4) controlled power outlets right out of the box. Everything easily connects together daisy chain fashion with BUS connecters (included).

The product is physically sound enough and as a controller unit is easy enough to use utilizing one or more of the three available ways to monitor and control the unit. You can utilize the head unit which uses a friendly version of arrow menu button to ^ v < > to move around the screen and an enter button to choose the function you desire. Easy enough to set up timers, alarms, controllers etc… You can even do things like connect an existing ATO to a pH setting to interrupt filling if desired. Covenant if using the ATO reservoir to dose Kalkwasser. A pretty good list of choices right out of the box, and you can control directly from a desktop computer utilizing their free download of Reef- Keeper 2.0 using a BUS w/ included Y2 connector to change to standard USB connection, you can also utilize the Ethernet to router connection and log into DA Web Server 2 from your local desktop. Either of these methods seem to give you full access to the head unit for programming and monitoring. Although setting up the router connection is a bit messy, but doable

The included SLX module has a port for pH and a second port for either pH or ORP, as well as (2) switched proprietary plug ins for other DA goodies aka float switches, lunar modules, water alarms and the likes. So with this single module you can run as many as four different functions. The PC 4 power bar is adequate w/ a total 15 amp capacity with 2 outlets rated at 8 amps and 2 outlets rated at 3 amps individually. Gives you the ability to run a heater and a chiller on the 8 amp outlets and lighter equipment on the 3 amp outlets. There are included some nice little programming drop down lists with a few innovative ideas like settable variances on auto functions to the 0.01 capability and delayed power on for lights and other sensitive equipment during power surges or on / off protection during a thunder storm.

Now for the rest of the story:

Middle of the Road:

None of the modules come updated and ready to run out of the box. You must have internet connections on a PC with appropriate operating systems and capacities to connect and download their Reefkeeper 2.0 application. Once you have successfully done this, each module must be individually connected to the PC via the supplied Y2 cable and the applicable update must be downloaded to PC and then up loaded to each module. Not really difficult but just a little bit of a PITA. Once everything is updated then you can assemble modules daisy chain fashion and place them on your set up. The order in which you set these modules up does matter and the limit is four modules for the RKL. My set up utilizes only three modules: RKL head unit to PC4 to SLX to Net with the Itemp on the end of the Net module. Also mediocre is the standard pH probe which must be calibrated of course. Raw data never did settle in well and therefore I do not really trust the current values which jump around a bit.

And then the rest of the rest of the story

The Sour Pits

If you purchase this unit to use as a controller for primary functions like temp control. on/off switching, lighting, ATO control and etc… then fine. The basic unit is good for this purpose, but as a remote monitor thru the www from a remote PC or tablet forgeta-bout it. It ain’t happening! It would take a programming enginerd to convert the wha-cha-ma-call-it from dynamic to static non fluctuating ITTP to RE-IPPT and capture this new static address thru a third party web site while holding the renewable port to a non-ported re ported…get the message…It ain’t happening I read thru so many work arounds where each application is very specific to each and every router and service provided. And each of these application work arounds are pages of technical processes that number in multiples of three or more major steps each consisting of internal steps in varying locations on the internet. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to complicated for the average end user. Really guys this goes far beyond just not user friendly.

The next problem and really my biggest issue w/ this Net interface is it does not seem to really be able to handle email or text alerts as advertised. On the Web Server 2 site there is a page where it ask you to put in basic information for email notification. Seems easy enough: email username (from / to), password , STMP and Port number. Looking up the email STMP and port is easy enough on the internet as there are multiple sites which list all provider lists. However when you load the info into the Web page and test you only get error messages no matter what combination you try and believe me I have tried them all. Seems this is a very common problem with this unit no matter what email service you use. Seems to need some kind of patch fix which again is beyond being simply not user friendly.

And then the mother of all problems with this unit is the total lack of customer service. Not poor customer service but NO customer service. And for some reason I thought I had heard these guys had excellent customer service. Man was I wrong. They have a help forum right? Wrong! There is no one cruising these forums much less anyone with current info to help, just years old work arounds from enginerds that would take a computer science degree to follow along. First off problem number one with the forum is it takes days to register before you can post anything and then everything has to be prior approved…Hum, wonder why? Once you finally get a post-up then you get a single response from “Dave” who gives you the standard canned answer. Maybe it is helpful maybe not, but then you can never get a response to your own thread approved and posted to follow up…tried several times. OK so they have email support right? Wrong! You will get a response, but it is simply a reply directing you back to the forum for the same enginerd work arounds . Arghh! Still no help here. OK so they have a phone number to call and get personal support Right? Well there is a number and you will get an automated answer with voice message ability. Problem is I left a semi-detailed voice message and contact number days ago and still no response.


If you want a low end priced controller to take the place of timers and float switches and the like just purchase the basic unit with Itemp probe. I would rate this at about 4 stars out of five and it is only marginally cheaper than Apex Jr. As far as the standard pH probe goes because of the issues with the raw data and how sensitive it is to outside electrical interference I would rate it 2.5 stars out of 5. And as far as a system to monitor your and alert you to trouble with your tank I would Rate it a single star out of five because the head unit will flash and beep alarms but there is no way to see this unless you are near the unit itself. NO REMOTE MONITORING although I was unable to try the app for smartphone because it is Android based only. Nothing for Iphone. But I see customer reviews which show this as a 3.5 out of five rating. And as far as customer service well I think a firm zero is in order as there seems to be none. Further the programming problems with the Net interface seem old and they should have had plenty of time to resolve but IMHO it seems to me all their efforts are going into the new Archon Controller with built in WIFI. This is a much higher end priced unit that starts in the $500s and goes up, but with the issues I have had with the manufacturer over the RKL it would be a hard sell to me. Actually I am in negotiations with the online seller I bought this unit from as I did not purchase directly from DA. They are trying to intercede on my behalf but as of yet are not successful in getting a response. This just goes to show you if DA will not respond to a major retailer of their product what chance do I have to get a response. Next step is to ask the seller to accept it all as a return and credit my account to another purchase. That’s a big request I know but if the system does not perform as adfvertised . Hum… maybe Neptune Systems Apex Jr w/ probe. I hear their stuff works and is Iphone compatible as well as www smart.

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Neon Reefer, do you still need help with this? Sorry I don't normally frequent this site but I am a Team DA member like Dave. I just happen to be in your area. If so PM me. To gain access to the NET remotely you have to set some settings in your router. Once setup correctly in your router and NET it does work. Unfortunately there are thousands of different routers out there and all have settings that differ. As for the emails I had mine emailing me on Time Warner using my Time Warner email account. I do not use the NET or RKE now since I have the Archon.

Also they do have a new controller out that is fully compatible with any device with a web browser and has wifi out of the box. Your modules you have will work with it except your head unit and NET. They are planning on implementing a cloud based system for this controller so you don't have to deal with all the router settings.

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No. To be honest I never got the email to work right. I gave up. It's supposed to be a lot easier with the archon. We will see. My frag tank will have an archon on it. I already have it just need to install it.

On the ph ATO deal I think it's on/off instead of open and closed. But that looks right.

Reburn, I have had mine since the first of December. Have you downloaded the manual? The inital setup if done by wifi the Archon will be it's own wifi hot spot. Find it like you would normally hook to a new wifi connection. After getting in you have to type in a sepecific web address it is listed in the manual. This brings up the initial setup page. The correct UTC code for us is -6. Once you save the setting the Archon will connect to the wifi spot you setup. You will have to go back to that wifi spot to connect with the Archon. Phones and iPads will require the web address example of the Archon. Once you get outside access for the Archon setup you can use that address to access on those devices.

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Neon Reefer, do you still need help with this? Sorry I don't normally frequent this site but I am a Team DA member like Dave. I just happen to be in your area. If so PM me. To gain access to the NET remotely you have to set some settings in your router. Once setup correctly in your router and NET it does work. Unfortunately there are thousands of different routers out there and all have settings that differ. As for the emails I had mine emailing me on Time Warner using my Time Warner email account. I do not use the NET or RKE now since I have the Archon.

Also they do have a new controller out that is fully compatible with any device with a web browser and has wifi out of the box. Your modules you have will work with it except your head unit and NET. They are planning on implementing a cloud based system for this controller so you don't have to deal with all the router settings.

Man thanks for all your great help everything working great now. Remote access and email. Still trying to get thru the DDNS service process though.

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