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Mystery Wrasse - Problem solved.

Dan H

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Well, one of Meg's favorite fish has always been the Mystery wrasse. We have one, QT'd it, and then I tried adding it to the DT yesterday. Unfortunately the 6 line decided to beat the heck out of the Mystery wrasse! By some miracle, I was able to catch the Mystery wrasse and get him back into QT. I was not successful in trying to catch the 6 line, even with Ty's awesome fish trap. It would appear that the 6 line wants absolutely nothing to do with the fish trap. Figures. So I highly doubt we could catch him as obviously we'd rather have the Mystery in there, but c'est la vie.

I'll get a picture of him in a few hours once the QT light is on.

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Try putting the mystery wrasse in a container next to the trap. If he's being that aggressive, you just need the right bait.

My mystery is one of my favorite fish ever, he's the one I would keep in your case....

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Try putting the mystery wrasse in a container next to the trap. If he's being that aggressive, you just need the right bait.

My mystery is one of my favorite fish ever, he's the one I would keep in your case....

+1, I hate 6-lines with a passion. Put the mystery wrasse in a bag and then put him into the trap. That 6-line will come blasting into the trap to get him and then you got him.
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