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Power outage this AM

Dan H

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Anyone else have no power right now? I called Austin energy and they said the affected area should have power back around 8:45am. Must be a bigger transformer or something. Fun.

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Yeah, I'm probably going to have to break out the inverter. The battery has an estimated run time lasting until just at the same time they are supposed to have power restored. I doubt Austin energy will have it restored exactly at 8:45. I suppose I could be lazy and throttle down the pump to get a longer run time. Hmm.

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So this is good to know for future use... Throttling down the pump didn't really make that much of a dent in the estimated run time. I think the inverter in the battery backup probably consumes a fairly substantial amount of energy just to function... So whether the pump is pulling 65 or 45 watts, it really didn't seem to affect the run time that much... Currently it took it from 40 minutes remaining to 48. That is a 16% savings, but the wattage had a 30% decrease, so it's about a 50% efficiency? Interesting.

Once it hits 15 minutes remaining I'll break out the inverter.

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How long has the power been out? It's crazy but the power has never been out for more than 15 mins at my place since I bought it in 2009.

I wonder if I'm on a special grid, like a hospital grid or something.

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And we're back! Power went out at 7:05. I'm guessing it was a transformer or something because the entire neighborhood was out.

So I was setting up the inverter... Plugged it into the car, dragged out my long extension cords, had everything wired, and I kid you not, within 1 second of me plugging in the extension cord to my pump, the power came back online. It was funny because my brain didn't process that the power had come back on at the same moment, so I started trying to understand how the lights in the sump had come on because I had only plugged in one of the Gyre's. Then I heard other things in the house power back on, and after a few seconds realized power was back.

Well, kudos to Austin energy for predicting the power restoration time fairly accurately, and beating their estimate by a solid 10 minutes.

The battery backup had about 8 minutes left when power came back. So that means I get about 100 minutes run time with just the Apex and return pump running on the battery. Not too bad.

Another quick side note, the pH in the tank definitely came down with only the return pump running as you would expect. Now with everything back on, it's already starting to come back up. Normally at this time it's around 7.9, and it worked its way down to 7.85.

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