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Ricordea Yuma

Dan H

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Meg and I are in the market for Ricordea Yumas. We really want to get ahold of some red ones, but we like them all. If you or someone you know has them and would be willing to part ways, we would want to buy them.

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Darn. That would have been awesome. Still, may have to get some of those anyways. But yeah... yumas...

Meg and I noticed something kinda odd about this hobby. It's very local specific and in some ways trendy. 10 years ago, Ricordea were the hot thing, and a huge in Michigan. Now it seems that Zoas and chalice are the in thing. Of course Acros were always popular but they are the blue jeans of the hobby - you've got your walmart specials, levi's, and true religion and other super marked up stuff. (That's the extent of my fashion knowledge).

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I think it was really nationwide with these trends. I was collecting ricordeas and zoas like crazy back in 2004... then it was all about chalices and acans (I skipped that phase)... then the big SPS push (more so because of better technology and husbandry practices allowed it to happen).

Looks like we're getting the 2nd coming of the mushroom phase now.

I'm just going to stay tragically unhip with my Walmart jeans acros and wear then until they fall apart on me.

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Well, the regional/local thing I think is a result of what reef shops and what "super fraggers" hobbyists are in town. Back in Michigan, we had http://www.tropicorium.com/ which was a huge greenhouse facility. They used to have a boatload of ricordea which helped saturate the local market. In our home town - Kalamazoo - Meg and I personally killed the Xenia market by fragging the heck out of them. We couldn't give them away. We had to start selling them on the internet because everyone in the club had some of our Xenia.

It's a function of ease of access and price. If someone local is fragging a lot of a specific coral, the price will drop, more people get it, more frags, price falls, etc... I will say the number of hobbyists trading online is WAY higher now. I think that's probably because of social websites. Back then it was RC or nothing.

I know nothing I'm saying isn't obvious, basically I'm just vomiting my thoughts out.

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Well then while you're out you might as well stop by RCA and Fishy Business as well...chances are they have some also.

Plus if you're in the market for Yuma yumusta always look at the RCA yuma tank for inspiration!

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This isn't any help for locally sourced Yumas but I have found saltcritters.com to have reasonable shipping and good prices on all mushrooms but especially riccs and Yumas. They are always getting new stuff in so they usually have a good selection. They also take blue and daylight pics which I like. If you sign up for their newsletter you will get alerted when they have a flash sale and can usually get stuff half off. Just be quick to pick something and check out as the flash sales kinda work like a live sale.

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This isn't any help for locally sourced Yumas but I have found saltcritters.com to have reasonable shipping and good prices on all mushrooms but especially riccs and Yumas. They are always getting new stuff in so they usually have a good selection. They also take blue and daylight pics which I like. If you sign up for their newsletter you will get alerted when they have a flash sale and can usually get stuff half off. Just be quick to pick something and check out as the flash sales kinda work like a live sale.

Awesome. Thanks. I will check them out. Their site says it's down for maintenance right now, but I'll check again later.

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