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clown fish advice


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I have a clarkii clown. It is now at 3" and I got it when it was 1". It was picked on and so forth. Now it seems it is now the bully. I have a full tank, not too crowded IMO.

I thought I was building an peaceful environment with a mandarin, lawnmower blenny, foxface, chromis, kole tang, lyretail, bangii and pajama cardinal.

I wont say he is the dominant fish because he never picks on the kole tang, cardinals. The two or three he targets are the foxface,lyretail, and sometimes mandarin(he will wiggle above him).

Now it is getting annoying and I am ready to part. He has a safe haven of an anemone and he is always the aggressor. They get feed regularly and no other fish seem to have issues.

So do get rid of him.......or the ultimate question......will getting a fish to check the clownfish work??!?!

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So 8 fish in a 65 G is not over crowded...Sometimes a simple re-arrangement of rocks will re set the environment but IMHO it may be time to part with it to regain the peaceful environment you desire. I would not try to add another fish!

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Thanks for the feedback. I am considering rearrangement for my corals to have more space but I will now have to do it. The clarkii clown fish is so awesome. He even bullies my hand when I reach in there. Scares me sometimes when I am not paying attention.

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My maroon clowns do the same thing. I do not think of it as them bullying the other fish. They never aggressively go after the other fish, they just defend their little piece of the tank. I look at it as part of the natural order of things

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And sometimes people just don't like each other. I have a Flame Angel in a tank that always gets into it with a 4" female balck and white Ocillarus but never picks on the two smaller males. You can try modifying it's behavior by spending some time aggresively chasing it or putting your hand against the tank and spreading your fingers when you see behavior you don't want but it can be a tedious process.

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Timfish- I'll give that behavior thing a try. I have from time to time when I am fiddling around I'll chase him when I see him nip at the foxface. I know these are all innate behaviors but were not in the wild anymore Clarkii!! Hehe.... I'll also plan some rock reconfiguring as well.

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Some species of clowns tend to become territorial over time, I've had clowns that attacked my hand anytime I put it near "their" territory. Those little buggers can really pack a punch!! I've tried Timfish's method and it has worked before, moving the rocks around so it looks like they are now in a new territory, or just moving the clown to a bigger tank.

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Moving the rocks or changing the environment is a common practice with territorial cichlids, but I haven't had much luck with it in SW. The fish has a WTF moment and then goes back to what they were doing within the month. I would remove the clown. As far as clowns go, Maroon, Tomato and Cinnamon are the most aggressive. Clarkii come next and are known to pick on passive fish as it gets larger. That's not to say that other clowns cannot become aggressive. It's just that some fish are more prone to certain behavior than others. I've never been attacked by Oscellaris or Skunks.

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clarkii's are definitely one of the more aggressive clown breeds. I got rid of my original breeding pair because they were too mean/territorial whenever I would put my hand in the tank.

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