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Newbie Question


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So wanted to first say thanks, I've done a lot of research here before I got started. GREAT INFO!!

What everyone always asks...

29 gallon

25 libs live rock

35 lbs live sand

Up and running 8 weeks

1 small water recirculator

50 gallon biowheel filter

Flourecent light (came w/tank) upgrading this weekend

Added Yellow Tail Damsel and a Mushroom last Friday

0 ppm - amm, nitrite, or nitrates (all i'm testing, at this time)

ph 8.2

salinity 1.024

temp 79

So got all sorts of cool stuff on my live rock tons of small orange feather dusters and other tube worms. Some mushrooms growing (came on rock) and some bristle worms active at feeding. However last night checking out my tank, I noticed what I initially thought was a hairy substance are actually Tiny (1 mm) white sticks with branching arms. I was wondering if anyone could identify for me? I added pics 1rst is my starter tank and second is close up on rock.

Thanks All



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funny you say the jim. i actually found some branching coralline in the overflow when cleaning up my current build last night.


i think what we're dealing with here is a type of macro algae; given the fast recover time and fragmenting growth. id say keep scrubbin, or if it gets too bad pull the rocks and spray/dip them in peroxide. forewarning though you'll probably start another cycle in the process.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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