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Kaplanm's First 60gal Tank Build (WIP)


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Lost the 2 Serpent Stars, that's my fault. Had a nitrate spike, stocked them too early. That issue has now resolved and I've been able to begin stocking again.

I've gotten some neat coral specimens. Picked up several nice Paly's from phamily.

Blue pocillipora

Green/blue montipora

Pink bird's nest

Green Mushroom

Blue Mushroom

Red Mushroom

Green fuzzy mushroom

Pom Pom Xenia

Teal Brain (not positive on the genus yet, working on identifying it still)

Picked up a few more inverts

Tiger Conch

5x Scarlet hermits

10x Cerith snails

3x Margarita

7x Astrea

3x Banded trochus

1x Tuxedo Urchin

Also picked up some fish finally!
1x Neon Goby

1x Banggai Cardinal

1x Purple Firefish

1x Royal Gramma

I've got a Yellow Diamond goby on the way. Should be able to pick him up either this weekend or sometime next week.

I'm also planning on a 6 line wrasse.

I'd also like to replace my stars.

Here's the $64k question. Am I at my stocking limit? That boils down to full grown about 1" per 3 gal. Now that I do the math out in full I think I've got my answer. Still I'd love to hear people chime in.

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Inch per gallon is kind of a crummy metric IMO, and a very vague rule of thumb. Your fish load is really small for 60g, so I'd say you have plenty of room fish wise. Caveat there, your tank is it's own creature, and depending on a myriad of variables (water change frequency, nutrient influx (feeding, etc) nutrient export methods, etc) you may be over, under or appropriately stocked, even at your current fish load. The reason I say that you have room to grow is that I'm assuming you practice good husbandry in terms of feeding and nutrient export.

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I was toying with a Flame Angel, but I know they can be cranky around corals. I'd rather keep my coral than an Angel. (Just barely. Someday I'll run a FOWLR setup)

One of the Orchid Dottybacks, or their hybrids also caught my eye. I much prefer Aquacultured specimens where possible and I know I can get these aquacultured.

Edited by Kaplanm
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Wrasses are awesome I got a melanuris and he's my favorite fish. There is a ton of different wrasses with different colors/temperaments. I also think you would be fine with a shoal of chromis, They are an easy fish. Also depending how much you like to gamble, angel fish come in many awesome colors but they always seem to pick out a single coral to eat in my tank.

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Chromis are easy, but I think the problem is 5-7 of them fully grown would max out the bio load by themselves.

Last I'd heard the rough rule of thumb reccomendations were for between 1" per 4 or 5 gallons in saltwater. The 1" per gallon rule is for fresh.

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Victoly makes a great point, rule of thumb recommendations of fish stock by inch of fish has such variation that I would not generally use it as an indicator. I could have a 215 bucket of water with no filtration versus my 215 gallon techied out tank and there's going to be a HUGE difference in my stocking capacity between the two. I use an obviously unfair comparison but just wanted to emphasize the point that it depends on your system.

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That much I understand.

I've got a pretty solid filtration system for a tank of this size, and I do regular water changes and testing.

I can see where I stand now, but if I pull the trigger to drop in a small group of Chromis it's not the kind of deal I can really do 1 by 1 and see where the breaking point is.

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I have had a Flame Angel for 2 years and it has never bothered anything. I know angels are hit or miss but the Flame is on the safer side.

Do you also have any clams? I've been toying with them as an idea also. But I know that all angels are notorious for enjoying clams for dinner.

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