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Anyone ever get "burned out" when it comes to reefkeeping and thing about getting out of the hobby? I have had my mood swings in the past when it comes to this hobby but I now have a strong urge to take a little break.

I know a vacation works when you are burned out from work but not sure what to do when it is dealing with a reef tank.

My tank is looking good IMO and everything is going right so I don't know what to do.


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dude. You have been so hard core into it you are bound to get those feelings. Start a little nano for your desk out of it or something to try somehting different. You have for some of us our "end time dream tank". Take a chill.. glasses10.gif IMO

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I haven't been doing this long enough to get burned out yet, but sometimes it seems to me like there can be a tendency to spend more time *working* on a tank than *enjoying* a tank. I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone but me. Maybe it would help if you spent some time just being with the tank. After some time of doing that (and I don't mean like 15 mins), maybe you'll find yourself thinking about what you'd like to do next with it.

Taking it down is an option. Stepping up to some challenge in the hobby that has fascinated you before but you've never got around to it is an option. Maybe morphing into a simpler tank, clearing out the corals and getting some fish that you kinda regret not being able to keep now because they're not reef-safe, but they look way cool.Or maybe just coasting for a while and watch what changes will continue to take place in your tank.

Any of those things are okay, as well as a bunch of other options that I haven't mentioned. Honestly, from what I've seen, it almost seems like getting out is more work (in the short run), but if it's what you want to do, maybe you can spend some time planning how to manage the take-down, just has you spent some time planning how to get your tank to where it is now.

Good luck, whatever direction you take.


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Anyone ever get "burned out" when it comes to reefkeeping and thing about getting out of the hobby? Clint

Yep. I just lost a 6" Blue Surgeon and a dozen Chromis to an unexpected, unexplained ammonia spike.crybaby2.gif Bringing the tank back has been a pain. I did briefly consider 'what if I got out'.dontknow.gif Quickly moved past that though. Thought about all of the work/hassle/heartache of taking it down and selling it off. No thanks. I get too much enjoyment out of watching the tank and its inhabitants. Frags from this tank support all of the others. Now I can focus on what I may add in the future, and how to make things better. Before the disaster, I had no desire to add any more fish. Now, maybe I will add something else. I've got to look at this as an opportunity.


My suggestion is to find a new direction or add another dimension to give yourself something to work towards and rekindle that desire. Your tank is outstanding. Can't imagine you taking it down.


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I've had that same feeling before, especially when things start going bad or feeling tedious. You should just let things grow in for awhile and sit back and enjoy the tank. Somtimes its good to have a hands off approach for awhile.

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When I'm starting to feel it's more work than fun I go vist other tanks. It's always helped me to get re-energized to see how someone else has arranged and stocked their tank.

Should we arrange a tour of tanks in the various parts of Austin for the next two meetings?


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Thanks for all the support guys and gals. If I decide to "part" the thing out I'll give Austin 1st dibs. Nothing is certain for now so please don't send your request or ask me to hold anything.

I just did a big water change this past weekend so maybe a little break from any big chores will do me some good.

Once again thanks for all the kind words and advise.


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I've been moving into the new apartment and heard about this for the first time at the meeting. The feeling is understandable. You've put countless hours of work into your tank and for the past 1-2 years, have always found some new or exciting angle to pursue in your tank or a new coral to add. Your tank is finally at a nice equilibrium and it often breeds a sort of apathy as the tank isn't nearly as exciting ESPECIALLY during the summer. Why spend countless hours water changing when you could be at the lake?

That being said, your tank is one of pure and undeniable beauty. The struggles of the past, the addition of coral, and the delicate balancing act that's part science and part art that currently exists in your tank now. If you feel burned out, take a step back and just look at your tank. I personally could not imagine your dining room without that tank. As others have said, try to find a new angle on your tank (possibly time to get those ******* clowns and damsels out?).

If all of this still leaves you feeling that the hobby no longer hold interest for you, I personally volunteer my time cleaning, pruning, water changing, whatever it may require to keep your tank in the condition you have kept it for the last year. You and your tank would be a huge loss to the reefing community and I personally would be incredibly sad.

Wait until it's not 127 outside and perhaps cooler weather will rekindle your interest in your tank.


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