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I've had a clownfish for a while. It's been doing great. About a week ago, I bought another clownfish and a Sebae anemone. The clownfish was smaller than my original. When I put them together, my original one grabbed the new one by the tail and held on for several seconds. I expected the new one to submit. Then over the next couple of hours, when they got close to each other, they both started to roll over and shake. So, I don't know which one is going to be female. Well, over this past week, I have barely been able to get the new clown to eat. I've tried brine shrimp cubes, mysis shrimp cubes, emerald entre, finely chopped squid....it won't really eat. I've seen it swim up to a brine shrimp and look at it, then swim off. Is this normal? My original one is like a garbage disposal! Lol

I've also tried to feed the anemone, but haven't had much luck. I guess I don't really know what to look for. I've feed it raw shrimp and squid. It kind of closes around it, but my original clownfish is a butthead. It swims up to the anemone, then rubs up against it a LOT, so that the anemone opens. Then it grabs the food and drops it. Wth????

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Have you tried asking the LFS what it was eating? Mine didn't eat for a week, then found out they were eating flake. They soon started eating the flakes and slowly added frozen to their meals.

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I havn't asked them, but thats a good idea. I bought him from Aqua Dome. I tried flake food just now....still no go. I tried the frozen reef plankton too. Just tried raw shrimp. I even tried mosquito larvae.

I don't think it looks like theres anything wrong with him, but he does look a little thin to me.

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I bought a flameback angel a few weeks ago from Aqua Dome. He was not eating for three days so I got some of the Tigger pods from Aquatek and this got him going. Since then his appetite has increased and now he is eating flake and frozen mysis.

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Ok....I fed them with some garlic last night. Jr seemed like he picked at the food a little bit. That was encouraging. Tonight...not so much. He seems pretty lethargic. Also, his top and bottom fins seem to stay folded in. I uploaded a couple of videos of this. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vt9odforjzi51d4/IMG_5344.MOV https://www.dropbox.com/s/blsietyd8ppj8so/IMG_5345.MOV

I contacted the LFS and they said that they feed the clownfish frozen mysis and cyclopeeze. Any thoughts? I'm out of ideas, and it has been 11 days with minimal eating.

I have tried the following:

Frozen Mysis

Frozen brine shrimp

Frozen reef plankton

Frozen emerald entre

Diced squid

Diced shrimp


New Life Spectrum Marine Fish pellets

Fluval color max fish flakes

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I would use one drop of garlic extreme on a cube of Hikari krill thawed in a shot glass and spot fed to him with a turkey baster with the end enlarged. It has worked for me in the past. I would ask the LFS if he was WC or TB.

Do you have a HOB acclimation camber to put him in to separate him from his tank mates so you can try and feed him separately?

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Sounds like something was wrong with this fish before you got him. You should talk to the fish store and see if they have had any other problems. I've had really good luck with a couple of stores giving me at least some store credit for a fish that mysteriously died shortly after purchase. Sounds like you tried everything to save him/her.

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