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Nano Tank (Former HS Tank)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Alrighty. Updating the thread.

Marley the clownfish jumped again. But this time did not survive. It hit me pretty hard.

Went to Aquatek and found nothing. Then swung by Nikos Reef and ended up with a Royal Gramma and a Yellowtail Damsel :3




FTS from about a week ago. I have since also built an auto top off!!! Whoooooooooooooooooooo!

Anywho. The two new finned additions are playing nice now. At lights out they both went into the rockwork to sleep and right when the actinics came on this morning they emerged.

After I order my new LED light I think my next project will be to get a new powerhead, probably the new RW-8 and see how that works out.

Just so were all on the same page as to how this tank has progressed..

One year ago August 2013:


August 2014:


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Birthday pics.


Lights on.


Actinics only

Update on my new duo. Seems like the Royal Gramma is the agressor with these two. Throughout the day they both swim around, but are shy to me still. When the white lights go off the return to their hidey holes behind the rockwork. And the Royal Gramma chases the Yellowtail away from his area.

Fed frozen mysis to them and the nem. They didnt clearly eat.. since they both swam away to hide. But ill give them another fasting day then try again.

I did do a 20% water change finally. And this prompted my Tuxedo Urchin to start spawning. Dirty freak. Idk if pics do his dirty deed justice but I tried..




So yeah. Im aware theyll spawn under severe stress.. But all parameters are fine. I know the salinity of my new batch of water was spot on at 1.025 but when poured I got that weird swirly mixy water you get when you mix two different salinties together. Which I didnt worry about. The tank read 1.026 yesterday so I firgured that out oretty quick. The sudden salinity change might've rustled his jimmies

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Hapoy birthday to me. I turned 21 and spent the day going back and fourth between fish gallery and nikos reef deciding on corals.

Ended up with a frogspawn from Nikos for dirt cheap.


Yellow colored Zoas


And bright green zoas from fish gallery.. that havent ooened just yet

Also forgot to announce that last Thursday I fragged some polyps from my Green Bay Packers zoas..



Im thinking about buying some frag plugs or waiting till I do my fuge and have rubble, and fragging some zoas for people. Just to see if I can do it. My GBP have been growing almost on the underside of the disk they are on

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Fragging station.

Me being the lazy person I am, I ordered some cheapo frag plugs on ebay. Theyre super bulky -.- next time I'll just go to the store. I also ordered a tiny frag rack but I know theres no way these plugs will fit on it lol I might be able to dremel the plugs down to fit but that seems like a bit too much work for me.

Anywho.. finally fragged the Green Bay Packers for the frag swap.


All done. 10 frags of varying sizes depending on how well I could get my blade under the polyps. Ranging from one head to 10. Ill probably keep the one polp frag just so I can watch and document it grow.




Fun times when I have time to do things before work!

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Light should be here hopefully before I go in to work tomorrow at 5!! Whooo! I am a little scared because ill be gone all day saturday and dont want the new light to cook my corals just bevause I accidentally started it off too bright. Eek.


Frags are looking good and opening up :)

Mother colony is doing well too! Yay! My Royal Gramma and Yellowtail Damsel are becoming less shy as well

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Sad to say I ended up getting rid of the nem. He was unhappy and seemed like if I left him in there hed die and take everything out with him. But hey.. more room for corals now!

My light finally came in amd boy is it heavy! Too heavy for the original light stand I bought.

So me being me I improvised with a metal lid.meant for a reptile cage. I removed my HOB filter for the time being till I can either dremel/cut slots for this lid or find a new stand/hanger for the light. I live in an apt so I cant hang from the ceiling. Ill probably have to DIY something. Maybe go to Lowes later to check out the conduit and price things.

As if now I used that lid.. which is leaning because of the ATO bracket and superglued a sropper to keep the light from sliding off.

So now the light is literally sitting a few millimeters from the water -.-

I have it on the lowest setting possible and it still seems brighter than the old ghetto lights :3

And omg when I played with the blues.. amazing.


Blues and whites/reds/whatever other colors both at 100%


Blues 0%.. whites 100%


Blues 100%.. whites 0%


Bith at lowest setting


Gawww them colorsss


Just blues on lowest setting


Idea of how close the light is to the water

Ill take a pic of hos I have the light sitting. Aside from my hanging issues im super happy with this giant light. Itll be useful even if I upgrade :3

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K.. im scared out of my mind but im using the hanger. Maybe im just paranoid. Left the lid on there in case it does fall. And I dont have the arm extended all the way. I think ill get a couple feet of conduit and reinforce it so I feel better lol

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I've been there, save yourself the headache and just get another hanger. Then use both side by side, it's worth the $26!

As far as lighting settings go; start realllly low. like 10% whites, 20% blues and go up 5-10% every other week until your happy with growth and color. I still haven't made it to 100% Alot of builds ive read end up at 80% blues and between 40-60% whites before they get serious algae growth. I'm starting to think it has something to do with the amount of red spectrum it puts out at the higher intensity. Good luck!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I've been there, save yourself the headache and just get another hanger. Then use both side by side, it's worth the $26!

As far as lighting settings go; start realllly low. like 10% whites, 20% blues and go up 5-10% every other week until your happy with growth and color. I still haven't made it to 100% Alot of builds ive read end up at 80% blues and between 40-60% whites before they get serious algae growth. I'm starting to think it has something to do with the amount of red spectrum it puts out at the higher intensity. Good luck!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think I'll try out reinforcing with conduit first, just because of the way the light hanger is made, it slides under the tank and I honestly wouldn't know how to get that to fit with the other one there as well without de-leveling my tank, unless I put it on the opposite end which would work but we'll go cheapest route first.

I know of people who have successfully and easily unsoldered some of th red leds and added new whites or blues or whatever color. I might go that route in the future if I'm up to it.

I'm in San Antonio today and tomorrow visiting a friend from work and might hit up a LFS or two just to browse while I'm here. Tank isn't being fed today or tomorrow so hopefully everyone does fine. There should be enought hair algae to go around if the crabs so please lmao I'm not too worried about the fish as they get quite a bit of food on any other day so they should do okay. I left the light as the minimum setting on blues and whites and I'll go up about 5% in a week and from there do 5% every other week. It's a really small tank so I don't think I'll even make it to 50%.. I have some zoas attached to the highest point lol

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Got to visit KimP and Bigsby on the way home from San Antonio and came home with a few things. Got what I need to build the net top from KimP and my first acans!!


From Bigsby I aquired some Cany Canes and BamBams. Whooo colors!



I did notice some bleaching from my birdsnest frag so I moved it to the sandbed and also decided to remove the 90 degree optics from the LEDs I dont mind light spillage. I think it looks neat


Also started moving my corals to their semi final positions. This is the green side


Middle yellows (must find moar yellow corals)


Left reds




More pics:



I got new frag plugs and a little cheapo "coral propagation kit" from ebay. And uhh when recharging my purigen I totally used dishwashing fluid instead of bleach cause the bottles looked similar.. so I tossed that and just got a bag of Phosguard


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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally went and got a little $3 hacksaw and the corner pieces to make the screen top.

During the time from removing the old top a few days ago and making this one.. Royal gramma jumped out and died -.-

But I also devided to get what I needed to build something more proper to hang the lights with.


Finished product above. I think it looks so much more clean. I may paint the shelf and componets black. But of course id need to buy some paint first tongue.png so thatll come in the next couple of weeks. It feels really solid and I did it all myself so im stoked.

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Great job! ! I love when I build things myself! !

Oh and I ordered the new heater on Friday. Should be here on tuesday and next day I work.. I think Wednesday I'll drop your heaters back off on my way home
No worries, no rush, they are just going back in a box at my house [emoji5]
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