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Recycling RO waste water

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Recently the city of San Antonio informed me that I had a water leak on my side of the meter and my water bill would increase if i did not repair it. I ignored it for awhile and then i noticed my bill starting to grow. It motivated me to fix it and an hour later it was fixed, So while I was hooking up my RO/DI system the other day it , I thought to myself "HA! you think I was wasting water before...wait until i start this baby up" It ocurred to me that this is actually serious stuff.I lived up north for most of my life and I knew nothing of drought conditions. So what im wondering is,does anyone here recycle their RO waste ? Top off pool....pond....water yard or garden?


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Mine goes to my peach trees. There's been a couple of threads on this and the "waste" output is cleaner than hte input having gone through a sediment filter and a carbon filter.

Oh.. I used the search function but i didnt dig to deep into the pages, it was mostly RO funtion related.

In any case, the rejected water may be cleaner than before it runs through the first two stages but if its going down the drain then its wasted.

I was just wondering smile.png


Edited by Veni Vidi Vici
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I run my waste into my top loading washing machine and wash our laundry in it. No waste here.

I do the same, my ro has a t off the filler hose for the washer And the waste runs into the washer. The more i mess with the tank and make water the more I have to do laundry :P

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