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Something is not right here...


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Rules of thrds and golden ratios? Over complicate much :). It's hard to do with just pictures, but your "splitting them up" part has me thinking. There is a little sliver in the middle that almost seems to be behind everything. If you can pull that out I think it'd be a good start. You may end up with two similar tables, but putting a few small rocks on them may split up the symmetry.

Good luck.

I've learned in this hobby that aquascaping is very hard. At least, for me it is. Some people have a natural talent for it and others don't. It seems I fall into the latter category. The rule of thirds helps me get ideas by using a guideline. I don't follow it like a rule that should never be broken, but I have been using it to give me a good place to start. The golden ratio is complicated, I'm not even going to go there, but the rule of thirds is not too terribly difficult and as I said, it gives me a good place to start and something to be mindful of.

On a side note, I'm so envious of people that can just take five minutes, throw some rock in their tank, and have a beautiful scape. Thur end up with a piece of art. I end up with a misplaced pile of rock. :)

I was really just joking around. Either I'm the natural you speak of or just not that particular. I spent less than half an hour on mine (1/5 the size may help). But, I would have moved (maybe removed) one rock on sherita's first go. May have fiddled with a couple of others. But, that one was dismantled, hence the not picky. I probably spent more time scaping the sand before I surrendered that design to the pistol shrimp.

Ironically, I think mine probably falls into the rule of thirds. Didn't know what it was, though.

Edited by Planeden
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Well, I know I am chiming in late, but ... Looking at your initial pic, I was scratching my head, and you are right there is just SOMETHING not right... but what is it, I mean why wouldn't the fish and coral love this... then it hit me. WATER. I think your livestock would really appropriate nice clear saltwater! I know, my comments are INVALUABLE! What can I say I like to give back to this wonderful community!

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OK smart Azz aside, I do agree the first pic was off a bit, and I agree with Grog, the rocks on the shelf looks un-natural. But I REALLY like your redone rocks.

I'm working on a new scape now as well, what are you using to keep the rock together during your "planning", I assume that is not actually setting right?

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LOL, I knew I was forgetting something......WATER doh.gif

To hold things in place temporarily I've got about dozen dowel rods of different lengths that I use to prop things up. But at the same time I try to find things that "fit together" so that when they are mortared together they will be really stable. Does that make sense?

I've got one "pillar/rock/rocks/whatever" done and sitting in the tank. That's 1/3 down and 2/3's to go.

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