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Ky's Nuvo 30 Build

Nano Reefer Ky

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Hey all. I wish I had found this club before starting my build so I could document it here as I went but oh well. Better late then never.

Equipment (so far):

Innovative Marine Nuvo 30 (white)

IM Fuge Basket

Cheap fuge light

Skimz Monzter SH1

CPR Nano tumbler reactor

AquaSmart ATO

Razor Nano LED fixture

Jabeo WP-10

Jabeo DP-4 Dosing Pump

Apex Jr.
-Temperature probe


Tiger Pistol Shrimp

Hammer, Frogspawn, Torch



Rhodactis Mushrooms





Monti Setosa

Encrusting Monti


Skimmer running 24/7

Reactor running carbon

Fuge basket containing chaeto and filter floss

Fuge light running 12 hours/day

Here's a few pics setting it up and such.

I have added about 30 lbs live rock from reefcleaners which I seeded with 4 lbs of cured live rock from the LFS. I gave the seed rock a good scratching and after a month I can see little spots of coralline starting. I put the seed rocks in the back of the tank a few days ago. I have also added a fuge to the back of the tank and I am already seeing lots of pods running about. I purchased redsea test kits and I am just now starting to really learn the big three Ca, Mg, KH. Well that about catches me up I think. More posts as I continue to work on this thing smile.png

Equipment, livestock, filtration edited 1-7-15.







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Also added another chalice. The feeders on this thing are HUGE so I had to do some moving around in the tank to make room.

Upon further research I found out this coral is named Hollywood Stunner. I love the names corals get lol.

Tested the water yesterday and it looks like I am a little low on KH and Mg. I already have a bottle of KH buffer so I ordered a bottle of Red Sea Mg. Hopefully I will be able to dose once a week only.

Here's a couple pics of the coral and a current FTS.

Thanks for checking out my tank :)




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I love the clowns and the nice chalice too! Looking good.

Once you get your Mg up it'll hopefully stay there. Usually Mg doesn't get used up too fast. I noticed my lps went crazy with growth when I got my Mg up. They colored up better too.

Edited by KimP
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I love the clowns and the nice chalice too! Looking good.

Once you get your Mg up it'll hopefully stay there. Usually Mg doesn't get used up too fast. I noticed my lps went crazy with growth when I got my Mg up. They colored up better too.

Thank you. Oh good. This is my first tank to really get into the water chemistry. Last time I just did water changes and hoped for the best.

well, it was worth every four letters.


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The Red Sea reef food I ordered finally arrived. I mixed up the food in a
beaker with a little water from the tank. When I returned to the tank with the
mix I was suprised by what I saw.

Crazy cool. When I poured it in you
could still see the green before the food dissipated


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Wow, it looks like highlighter!

Oh yea. It does look just like the liquor bottles filled with highlighter sticks. I forgot about those.

I need to get me some of that food. My guests love to feed my fish and now they'll love to feed my corals.

Great idea. If you pour it all in the same place a lime green cloud moves around the tank. Pretty neat.

Looks awesome. Really like the clowns and the scape. Can't wait to see it matured with corals climbing that arch. Are you doing softies as well? I saw zoas listed in the original post.

Thank you! I moved the zoas to the side of the right column. They are stretching a bit to get more light but they still look healthy. My thoughts were to cover the outer sides with all kinds of zoas since they don't need as much light or room. I'll snap a pic later. They look pretty cool.

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Wow, it looks like highlighter!

Oh yea. It does look just like the liquor bottles filled with highlighter sticks. I forgot about those.

>>I need to get me some of that food. My guests love to feed my fish and now they'll love to feed my corals.

Great idea. If you pour it all in the same place a lime green cloud moves around the tank. Pretty neat.

Looks awesome. Really like the clowns and the scape. Can't wait to see it matured with corals climbing that arch. Are you doing softies as well? I saw zoas listed in the original post.

Thank you! I moved the zoas to the side of the right column. They are stretching a bit to get more light but they still look healthy. My thoughts were to cover the outer sides with all kinds of zoas since they don't need as much light or room. I'll snap a pic later. They look pretty cool.

highlighter sticks in liquor bottles? what are kids doing these days?

the green cloud - try adding it to the sump and watching it "blow" into the tank through the returns. i do it with my plankton sometimes and think it's pretty neat.

what? some of us make our own fun.

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highlighter sticks in liquor bottles? what are kids doing these days?

Haha. I'm sure that's what my parents thought too.

i;m not THAT old! i don't think...hang on, how old are you? dang. physiologically it may be possible.

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