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Should I Remove My Skimmer?


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Hey everyone. I have no more fish in the tank so is there any need to run the skimmer? All that left are about 50 snails and crabs. I am fighting a hair algae issue so I sold the fish and plan to let the tank sit with no lights for a while. Is it worth running the skimmer during this time? Tank has been running for 1 year.

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Hey everyone. I have no more fish in the tank so is there any need to run the skimmer? All that left are about 50 snails and crabs. I am fighting a hair algae issue so I sold the fish and plan to let the tank sit with no lights for a while. Is it worth running the skimmer during this time? Tank has been running for 1 year.

When i was fighting hair algae I left my skimmer running, I also added a sea hare and watched him eat the whole tank clean within 3 weeks....

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Thought about adding one as well. I was also thinking I could remove the skimmer and use that space for a fuge. So then the question is...which is better to have at this point, a skimmer or a fuge? I know my phosphate levels are around 0.5, everything else is 0's. I have also been running a PhosBan reactor but it's just not bringing them down.

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Do you think a skimmer will be more benificial to the tank then a fuge?

That is a difficult comparison to make. Ideally, you would have both.

If I was in your position, and had removed all fish to fight a HA problem, I would keep tank dark (including ambient/sunlight) for several weeks while skimming heavily. After a week or so of darkness go in there and scrub and siphon out as much alage as you can. Repeat this several times, all the while skimming as aggressively as possible. At the end of it all, do a large water change and see how your nutrient levels are.

How is your skimmer working? Does it take out much skimmate?

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The skimmer is pulling less these days. Thats is why I was thinking of pulling it out and adding a fuge. The only way I can go completely dark is to place a tarp over the tank. There are windows close to the tank but the blinds are always closed. The tank lights have been off for about a month now.

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I will be doing that once I get some additional rock. I am going to wait for that big IRS return and buy another 100 pounds of rock. I was thinking of getting some marco rocks and seeding it with a few pieces of my current rock. I will kill the rocks that have algae growing on them. It's strange, there are only a few rocks that will grow the algae. It never goes to the others.

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I would leave the skimmer running. The only reason I chose the skimmer in this case over the fuge is that it will take a while to establish an effective fuge, and it will be money out of your pocket, while the skimmer is relatively free, is already working, and keeps the oxygen levels in good shape.

Either way the nassarius (vibex) snail is a hardy snail in my experience. They don't die easily.

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All the more reason to build the tank in the wall! I am still trying to talk my wife into that. So even if the sun does not shine directly into the tank, it could still cause algae? The room where my tank sites gets the morning sun but the light does not come directly into the windows.

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