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I'm breaking down my old tank and have a lot of GSP to get rid of. One rock about softball size. The rest is covering my overflow and wavebox. I'll peel and give some small chunks away and sell the rest for dirt cheap. $5 for good size slices.


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I don't mean to derail your thread, but how long have you had it? It's GORGEOUS!

Good question... I'm not sure when I got it. It was one of the first things I put in my tank and I registered here at ARC in 2006, so maybe almost 8 years. I recently moved it to my new tank and it's doing well. Already grew about another 1/2 inch of fresh shell in only a few months.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Bro,

How ya been? I have been totally neglecting my tanks so it is no surprise I have very little still alive. I'm ready to again add some common stuff, just no sps. If you still have any gsp or any other cheap common stuff I'd love to run around the corner and see ya.

If not, I realize this is a pretty old thread.

Bill (Betty's friend)

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Hello Bill!

I do have some coral for you. I have some gsp, but that tank is being shut down this week and I've let the cotton candy algae get out of control without fish, etc in the tank for so long. I can find some gsp without alga and you're welcome to it. I also have some chilipepper montipora that is an easy encrusting monti. When I get back from vacation in feb, ill frag some frogspawn as well.

Ill be around in the afternoon tomorrow and sunday of you'd lke to swing by and check it all out.

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