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Sudden Temp Changes


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Last night's cold snap did a number on my big tank. It's built into an exterior wall and plumbed to a chiller that is outside.

I insulated the plumbing that goes outside and turned up the heat a bit but when I got up this morning the temp was showing around 67. Everyone seems to be alive and while not happy, they're moving. I'm working on getting the temp back up slowly and I'm going to replumb to take the chiller offline tonight. I think that will solve my problems.

My question is what is the biggest swing in temp the fish can take? I try to keep the tank at 74 normally and a 7 degree shift over 12 hours seems pretty bad to me.

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tank is back up to a balmy 71 and holding steady overnight. Will probably pull it up a few degrees today. I like 73-74. All residents except one firefish accounted for and looking healthy. I'm going to feed medicated food for a few days just to help fight off any ick or similar issues the stress might have caused.

any other ideas?

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I normally keep mine at around 78.. The past couple of nights it dropped to 73 or so.. I am also plumbed with lines going outside to a chiller. I have 3 heaters in the tank to keep the temp up..

A valve is your best bet, but you will want to drain those lines going outside so they do not freeze.. Granted salt water will not freeze until well into the 20s.. but better safe than sorry..

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We're up to 75 and holding steady. I went and bought 3 heaters to keep up. I'd like to get it up to 77-78 and will play with it a bit over the next few days. Right now the chiller is offline, but I'm planning on installing a valve etc when things warm back up. Playing with water outside when it is under 50 is no fun.

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