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Wild caught vs tank bred


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How long does it typically take a wild caught fish to acclimate to tank life? I received a new blue eyed tang on Friday and its busied itself by swimming against glass in the front corner just about non-stop (except at night). It hasn't eaten since I got it. I've got some algae hanging on the back glass but it hasn't touched it either.

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I've had dwarf angels that demonstrated pretty normal behavior and started eating almost as soon they were put in my QT. Tangs should start swimming around normally with in a day although it may take a few days to come out as soon as I put food in the tank if they see me standing in front of the tank. If it's in a QT skittish behavior like you're describing is almost always demonstrated by fish that have health issues. If it's in your DT skittish behavior could also be caused by it perceiving another fish as a threat. Is another fish "flashing" or getting sideways and spreading it's fins and maybe doing short darts or starts and stops? (This is their equivalent of screaming obscenities and flipping the finger.)

It does depend on the species. I've get tank raised Regal (Hippo) Tangs and they are just as jumpy as wild caught.

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I'm not sure if its just a bow front thing or not, but when I stand behind the tank to feed and try tto look through the front I see a mirror image of what's in the tank. The tang of course looks like its swimming nose to nose with itself. Maybe it just has to get used its own reflection. I'll feel better about when it eats. None of the fish seem to be flashing him or harassing it in any way.

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The reflection you are seeing is from looking through the glass. Neither fish or you would see a reflection from inside the tank. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but to be honest it sounds like your fish had a problem before you got it. Keep trying different foods and hopefully it will start eating.

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It's swimming around more normally today, although it still hasn't eaten any of the food offered to it. It does something wierd though. It hangs out in one of the caves and occasionally rubs its side on the rock as it swims out of the cave and then turns around and does it again. Almost like its marking its territory.

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Is this a blue eye kole/bristletooth tang? Mine has never touched nori even when my yellow tang is devouring it. Only eats film algae and prepared foods.

Have you tried something like rods? It's pretty good at enticing everything to eat in my experience.

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Yeah it is a blue eye. I just hung some purple algae in the clip although it hasn't touched it yet. I don't have Rod's, but have tried Thera-z pellets, Emerald Entrea, and Reef Formula 2. I'm going to try the Emerald Entrea again after this inning. Is there only one kind of Rod's? I also have some caulerpa prolifera in my fuge that I could throwin there if you think he would eat that. Probably takes me two days to get the Rod's if my LFS doesn't have it.

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I would stick with the frozen food. There isn't a single macro I've ever seen mine eat which would include caulerpa, ulva, bryopsis (no surprise) and both types of nori sheets. Do you see him picking at the glass or rock in the tank at all? Also, I'm assuming there's other fish actively feeding. That usually helps a lot. My blue eye was pretty skittish for some time after I got him. Even now he's nowhere near as fearless as my yellow tang and most other fish.

Here's rod's webpage: http://www.rodsfood.com/index.html I use the normal orange original one. Of what you have the formula 2 or emerald entree is probably closest. I would think either of these should work. May just need some time getting used to the environment. I don't think I would go buy a bunch of rods until those are used up.

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I have seen him nibble at the rock and yes the other fish are actively eating. Like you said, he's just skittish. He does seem a little less skittish today though so maybe he's settling in.

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It hangs out in one of the caves and occasionally rubs its side on the rock as it swims out of the cave and then turns around and does it again. Almost like its marking its territory.

if it were a freshwater fish i'd say this could be some sort of parasite/fungus/infection that is itchy and he is scratching it. i don't know enough about saltwater fish to know if this is similar.

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