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Rob's 150 wrasse haven


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Rob is that pic with the super actinic strip running also? Same spec ballast and bulbs as you but yours look a lot bluer than mine. How do you like the super actinic alone? Is it obnoxiously blue? Adequate for that footprint as a stand alone supplement?

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Rob is that pic with the super actinic strip running also? Same spec ballast and bulbs as you but yours look a lot bluer than mine. How do you like the super actinic alone? Is it obnoxiously blue? Adequate for that footprint as a stand alone supplement?

Yes it is with the super actinic running as well. In real life it's not as blue as the pic looks with the radiums on, it's just my lack of photography skills. The super actinic is nice but it is very blue when it's on alone. I do like it as dawn/dusk. Of course I have not seen my corals or fish under it yet... It's right next to my 55 and I'm running the same bulb combo as you on an aquaticlife fixture as well. I will see if I can get a pic for you side by side so you can see the difference. The super actinic is bluer than when just the 2 blue plus are on in the 55. It's def is enought coverage as a supplement on the 140.

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For those of us with little patience this is a terrible hobby to be in. I'm ready to see pics of a fully stocked tank! :whistle:

:P you are correct patience is one of the hardest parts of this hobby :P now it's just a waiting game, gotta wait for the new rock to cycle and then the fun of moving everything over.

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Awesome video Rob. So funny man, your 55 gallon reminds me alot of mine, and we have alot of the same species and some of the same fish as well. They're just so difficult and unappealing to aquascape no matter how hard you try. I'll follow your example and post a final video of mine on my thread in the coming days. I know that look of those T5's. We run the same combo I believe and it's not near that blue in person (though still fairly blue), but that's how it always comes out in videos and pictures on my iphone especially. I look forward to seeing the change over. Are you keeping all your existing rock? Have that exact same RBTA. Has your split much? I'm considering selling both of mine when I change tanks over as to avoid the annoying splitting and roaming they do. Can't wait to follow along with progress here. Have you had any trouble keeping that anthias fed and happy as well as your leopard wrasse?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Question. Where are you storing those big heavy m80 ballasts? They can't exactly be mounted on the vertical walls of the stand, and two m80s would take up ALOT of valuable real estate on the floor of the stand, are too heavy to safely put on top of a canopy, and too ugly to just set out in the open next to the tank (according to most wives I'd assume). I don't see an auxiliary side car equipment cabinet next to your stand. Are yours just underneath next to the sump?

Edited by Bpb
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Question. Where are you storing those big heavy m80 ballasts? They can't exactly be mounted on the vertical walls of the stand, and two m80s would take up ALOT of valuable real estate on the floor of the stand, are too heavy to safely put on top of a canopy, and too ugly to just set out in the open next to the tank (according to most wives I'd assume). I don't see an auxiliary side car equipment cabinet next to your stand. Are yours just underneath next to the sump?

Lol, yes they are quite big and hard to find a place to put. But yes they are under the stand next to the sump, I am trying to figure out a better place as well, but for now that's where they will reside.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So it took me most of the day on Thursday to move everything over and get an aqua scape that I was happy with. Here's a short video of the tank finally up and running. Broke a whole bunch of corals so there's a bit of a mess on the sandbed along with some frags that I am trying to get acclimated to the mh's. Lemme know what ya think.

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How is everything adjusting to the new lights? What kind of photoperiod are you running and how are you ramping eveththing up to acclimate?

So far so good. I have the actinics running for 10 hours right now and the halides on for 6 so far everything seems to be tolerating the lights well. Most of my sps that are frags I removed form the rocks and have the, on the sandbed. The ones that are encrusted on the rocks are doing well too. Then I will slowly move up to their final places. Some of my zoas still seem to be upset but they are slowly opening up. I plan on maybe ramping up to an 11 hour photoperiod total with 11 hours of actinic and 7 hours of halide.

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  • 1 year later...

Been a long time since I updated this thread. Just thought I would share a short video of my new addition. My dream fish in QT. thanks to Rory (Juiceman) for getting the order together, and Ross at picturesque aquatics. After a bit of madness with UPS, we got our box and everyone was ok!!!

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Been a long time since I updated this thread. Just thought I would share a short video of my new addition. My dream fish in QT. thanks to Rory (Juiceman) for getting the order together, and Ross at picturesque aquatics. After a bit of madness with UPS, we got our box and everyone was ok!!!

Candy striped basslet?
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Hey Ty it's an earlei fairy wrasse. You don't see them all that often, as they are a deep wear wrasse that's found in the Marshall Islands.

Beautiful fish. I hear they can sometimes be found in Georgetown, TX too!

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  • 2 months later...

Been awhile again since I updated this. My cirrhilabrus earlei has settled nicely into the display tank, and is now the only wrasse. Going to take the tank in a new direction and really go wrasse heavy concentrating on mainly fairy wrasse and flashers. Maybe a leopard, we'll see. Every time I see the chaoti leopard at the dome.... Right now have a Hawaiian flame and rhomboid wrasse in qt and though their first round of prazi.

As for corals things have been growing pretty well. Picked up an Oregon tort frag and Hawkins form Ty and they are doing well, but are losing some color. Still looking for a red planet frag, and maybe a SSC. Eventually got to get a couple of Millie's too. Been reading up on dosing the spectracide stump remover to increase nitrates, but have been kinda gun shy on starting that. Readings as of tonight:

Alk 9.6 salifert

Cal 460 salifert

Mg 1350 salifert

Phosphate 0 on the Hanna ULR- think the algae is sucking it up don't have a lot but it's there so phosphate is too I believe...

Nitrates I guessing around 0.25 theyre detectable but the nyos kit I have been using goes from 0-1, then 3, then 5 so kinda a weird range, may have to pick up a Red Sea kit to get some lower readings.

Future plans are to try and dose some of the spectracide to raise the nitrates. Hopefully that will bring some deeper colors to the corals. Would also like to try the hw marine mix reefer salt that BRS sells. It has gotten really good reviews, and the parameters mix up a lot closer to where my tank runs, not the 13dkh of RSCP. As for stocking my the next wrasse on my list are the diamond tail flasher and eight line flasher. Then after that maybe a leopard like a chaoti or potters. I also plan on adding a tomini tang to help with algae control, but will probably try to add last so the wrasse can get settled.

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Tank looked great when I saw it Rob. While I don't think most should ever nitrate dose, in your case, I think you'd see a vast improvement in the darkening of colors in your acros. I still think you should put GFO online but that's just me.

I should have a fraggable piece of Red planet and SSC in about 6 months sir if you don't find some before that.

For the "pro" version of salts, if you are dosing to replenish Ca and alk like you are, a "pro" brand is not needed. They artificially increase the Ca and alk in those mixes for tanks that don't dose as a way to supplement their foundation element usage. I know we already discussed that but I wanted to mention for others on the forum.

I think a chaoti leopard wrasse is calling your name sir! Only because I want to come over and stare at it.

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Thanks Ty, gonna take you up on that red planet and SSC. I mixed up a 3 liter solution of the spectracide tonight but still haven't dosed any yet. Gonna try one thing at a time and see how the tank reacts, wanna take it slow so that I dont shock anything.

If I can find a chaoti I think I just may do it... Just Reef had some about a month ago but they're all sold. If he gets some more in maybe just maybe....

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How many fish do you have in the tank Rob? That could be part of the "pale" SPS issue. If you don't have enough fish waste, then your NO3 won't be above 0. Any algae?

Right now there's only 5 fish in the tank, so that could definitely be it. I do feed pretty heavy, and try to feed 2-3 times/day when I'm home. Days that I work the little buggahs only get fed once. The tank was stocked a bit heavier before, but I never really checked nitrates until recently. Corals have always been kinda pale. I am working on adding new fish, they are in qt now and still have a few weeks to go.

As for algae, there's not a ton but I do have some red turf algae growing on the rocks. I also get some cotton candy algae that grows in the overflow that I clean out once a month or so it doesn't clog the drain, but it's not and insane amount...

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