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150g Indio-Pacific Biome

Sascha D.

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Haha honestly its only about $100 off right now. Around $650. The 120g show tank was only $314 the other day since were remodeling and will no longer carry the large tanks.. Gotta get rid of them. Im betting the 150 will keep going down in price till either someone buys it or.. Or... We have to throw it away :'(

You could always just have a "patrick" tank with macro and mollies! Separate system :3

(I endorse Multiple Tank Syndrome)

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$314 is a pretty good price for a 120g if it's drilled for an overflow. $650 for the 150g is still more than I paid for mine, drilled, and with the durso standpipe. If the tank is not going to be displayed then you can buy it used or get a stock tank for $100 or less.

I have thought about getting a second tank, but I should probably get this one in order first spell.gif

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Hey I fully agree on that. My brother got his 180 for $400 with all kinds of nonsense and a beautiful stand.

I just want someone to get that thing out of my store lol it takes up space I use to prance down the aisles [emoji14]

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I added 8 new corals today to kick off the rebuilding process. I thought I had kicked the GHA with the snails but I added fish, they ate the snails, and the algae is coming back.


Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

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Never had luck with snails actually eating hair algae of any kind. Just dusty film type algaes. One spot fox face may be the ticket though. Mine is relentless and completely impartial. If it's algae, he eats it. Period. Except halimeda

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Yeah nothing I've ever seen eats halimedia. We wish right? Turbo Grazers and Margarita Snails eat GHA. I only put 5 in my 150 and they cleared it out in a week. I've been thinking of a foxface, but only the one spot BC the rest get larger than I want.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

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Week 94:

The tank has been in good shape. There is still a little bit of GHA and Valonia but I've been taking care of that little by little. I'll probably be taking this stuff out for about a year. It's a marathon, not a sprint! That's what I get for buying LR from a fish store. I even inspected the rock, but it had undeveloped spores. Doh! doh.gif

Anyway, I stocked some corals this week! Yay! Something colorful to look at!

Acropora - Joe the Coral

Acropora - ORA Red Planet

Montipora - True Undata

Montipora - Rainbow

Montipora - Sunset

Montipora - Jedi Mindtrick

Stylophora - Purple

Seriatopora - ORA Green

I'm also looking into some fish. I was on the fence about getting tangs or an angel, but I have decided on tangs. I like my Euphyllia too much to risk it. That means the Emperor is out. Maybe one day I'll make a FOWLR and get one. On the bright side tangs are much easier to take care of!

So here is a list of tangs and what I have think about them in regards to my tank dimensions.

Naso sp. - This species gets too big. They really need a 6' tank. My tank is wide and the rock is in the middle so they could swim around the perimeter of the tank, but I imagine they will knock some corals down.

Chevron / Achilles / Sohol / Clown / Flowleri- These fish are either too expensive or too aggressive for my style. I have kept the Achilles and Clown Tangs in the past, I know how they are, and I would like to go in a different direction this time.

Powder Blue / Powder Brown / Regal / White Cheek - I have kept the PBT in the past and it was an awesome fish. All of these are susceptible to Ich and I don't plan on having a Cleaner Shrimp. The powder tangs are pretty aggressive, but I might be down for a Regal Tang. I will have to weigh the options.

Yellow / Convict / Kole / Sailfin - I've seen all of these while snorkeling in Hawaii. They all go with my theme. The YT is bright and colorful, but also common. You see them everywhere and they don't have the "WOW" factor that other fish have. I think the Convict Tang is a really nice fish. They aren't aggressive and they eat unwanted algae. The Kole Tang is a beautiful fish. They aren't aggressive, they graze all day and they're interesting. I really want one. I have had an adult Sailfin tang in the past. They are very personable and good citizens. I believe my tank is a good size for one based on past experience and knowledge of their swimming behavior. I would only consider the Desjardini though because I have already had the regular version.

Caribbean Blue / Lavender / Mimic Eibli / Chocolate / Lieutenant / Two Spot Bristletooth - Subtlety Beautiful. These fish are straight up interesting. Nobody that I know has them and they aren't very expensive. These tangs are so underrated, but they are really nice and generally docile.

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I agree with all your observations Sascha. I only wanted to mention that sailfins can get to a max size of 16". My 8" one looked cramped in my old 125-gallon, enough that I started to feel bad for it and felt much better about it in the 215-gallon but I could see it wanting bigger down the line. Not a problem to keep for almost half a decade in your system but after that, possible either upgrade tank size or rehome it.

That's my thoughts on me picking up another naso tang to replace the one I lost. It'll be happy for half a decade in my 215 gallon but eventually, I'm going to need to upgrade or rehome it after that.

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Hi Ty,

I think a Naso can live out it's entire life in your tank. You have quite a bit of swimming room for it. I've seen Naso in smaller tanks for longer than a decade that were healthy. Sam has had his Naso for 5 years and it's a pretty good size but I don't think it's too large for your tank.

My tank has about 50% less rock than your old 125g and that's the reason I think I can do the sailfin. I've never seen one in an home aquarium that was bigger than 8" but it is definitely possible. Truthfully, I would like to try some fish that I have not owned in the past. I have had Achilles, Clown, Sailfin, and Powder Blue. The PBT was by far my favorite, but aggressive!

My list is looking like this:

Yellow Eye Kole


One of these: Caribbean Blue / Lavender / Mimic Eibli / Chocolate / Lieutenant / Two Spot Bristletooth

They're all docile and I don't foresee any problems. They all stay below 8", which I find acceptable for the swimming room in my tank. The Kole and Convict are sentimental because they remind us of when we lived in Hawaii. It reminds us of our wedding wub.png

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Oh you big softie! Haha.

Yeah, I don't doubt you're correct, I just would feel bad if I had a full grown naso with streamers in my 215-gallon tank. Maybe that's just my excuse to get a bigger tank.

I honestly haven't seen a 16" sailfin myself so I'm sure you are fine. I loved my sailfin, great fish, great personality, and it's awesome when he used to fully flex out his sails! He looked ginormous!

I'm a big fan of the chocolate tang and lieutenant tang though I found my chocolate to be a little aggressive at times... but only to particular fish... and sometimes not the fish you would expect.

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Oh I didn't know that you had a Chocolate Tang. Was it very yellow? The pictures that I have seen vary greatly.

My Sailfin Tang was the same way. It was only about 5" when I joined the military, but when it flexed it looked twice the size. I had him with a Copperband Butteryfly, Achilles and Clown Tang in a 180g.

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I'm sorry to hear that. I've never seen one in person and that is part of the draw. I want an uncommon tang. Something memorable if anyone ever visits. It's like trying to decide between two Corvettes. Which do you like better, the 1965 or the 2015? They're both awesome, but one is more uncommon to see than the other. You might like the 2015, but I bet you mention the 1965 when you retell the story. That's how I feel about most aquarium fish. They're all great, but after 19 years I lean more towards the 1965.

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Something that those of us in the hobby miss is when a non reefer comes to your house they will remember the little yellow corvette or the PBT. While most reefers won't give the fish a second look, most non reefers won't give your prized acro a second look but they will go on and on about the pretty fish.

PBT and yellow tangs are common and beautiful and fairly inexpensive. I don't see how you could go wrong with either.

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I had thought about that as well. I seldom get visits from anybody that knows anything about saltwater tanks. The only people that really see it are my in-laws and anyone reading my thread. It would make sense to get the most colorful fish out there.

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Get what you want Sascha... you're going to be the one enjoying it 95% of the time. Most visitors could give a crap about my colorful SPS sticks... they'd prefer swaying polyps in the current instead probably. If I'd catered to them, I'd have a 215-gallon tank full of GSP and xenia. doh.gif

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Oh yeah, non reef hobbyists don't even realize the corals are real or alive. Even my fiancé who takes care of my tank while I'm out of town for business will judge the health of my tank based on how many of my fish are still alive. Most of the time "all the fish are still alive, tank is 100% good!" And then I see that half my corals are bleaching because the calcium reactor had some issue and messed up the alk levels. May as well just get a FOWLR tank with blue and yellow tangs and a bunch of damsels and call it "purty" and be done with it!

I like to go with fish that are attractive, but also have fun personality tendencies. Every yellow tang I have ever had has been enjoyable to watch interact with the rest of their tank mates.

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Get what you want Sascha... you're going to be the one enjoying it 95% of the time. Most visitors could give a crap about my colorful SPS sticks... they'd prefer swaying polyps in the current instead probably. If I'd catered to them, I'd have a 215-gallon tank full of GSP and xenia. doh.gif

Absolutely Ty! I was planning on getting what I want, but it is nice to hear other opinions. A YT was on my list because it's an Hawaiian fish and that has been my theme all along. The Hawaiian Yellow Tang is a very beautiful adult fish, especially when they are fat and healthy. They're also on sale at liveaquaria!

Oh yeah, non reef hobbyists don't even realize the corals are real or alive. Even my fiancé who takes care of my tank while I'm out of town for business will judge the health of my tank based on how many of my fish are still alive. Most of the time "all the fish are still alive, tank is 100% good!" And then I see that half my corals are bleaching because the calcium reactor had some issue and messed up the alk levels. May as well just get a FOWLR tank with blue and yellow tangs and a bunch of damsels and call it "purty" and be done with it!

I like to go with fish that are attractive, but also have fun personality tendencies. Every yellow tang I have ever had has been enjoyable to watch interact with the rest of their tank mates.

Man you are so right! Almost everyone that has ever seen my tank doesn't even realize that the corals are alive. Everyone is always shocked when I talk about anything other than the fish, as if nothing else existed before then. It's sort of gratifying in a way to see their reactions. They really start to look at the tank in a new light after I tell them about the corals. It's like they're seeing them for the first time. Every so often I will open the stand and show them the guts. Mind blown!

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"Man you are so right! Almost everyone that has ever seen my tank doesn't even realize that the corals are alive. Everyone is always shocked when I talk about anything other than the fish, as if nothing else existed before then. It's sort of gratifying in a way to see their reactions. They really start to look at the tank in a new light after I tell them about the corals. It's like they're seeing them for the first time. Every so often I will open the stand and show them the guts. Mind blown!"

Agreed. Opening up the stand is often times my favorite part of showing the tank off to a guest. You can see the gears turning in amazement at such complex machinery and wizardry. LOL my wife tells me my water making station and testing procedures make it look like I'm running a meth lab. Nobody ever seems to care much about the corals until you point them out. Most the time people assume they're fake/plastic. You tell them it's all real and they'll start pointing to anything with color and say "what about that one is it real too? no way. is that one real too? no way! How do you make the water?"

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Ive had the maintenance people at my apartment drill me for answers on my obvious drug ring I have going on with all my chemicals and buckets and pipes. And i was growing all my veggies in my closet over winter so it looked even worse -.-

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By "veggies", do you mean the kind that you roll up and smoke? I won't tell anyone.

There is a very fine line between "I wonder what those blue barrels are for?" and "Herald! I think the neighbors are Breaking Bad in their garage!".

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I've been asked if the coralline algae in my tank is also coral because it's colorful! ?

Of course the glowing blue windows at night doesn't make your house look suspicious at all! Although it's nice to be able to spot fellow reef houses at night when driving around town!

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