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Bc14 gal heat issues


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Hi I just setup a 14gal bio cube.. I took out the stock pc lights and added 1 ecoxotic led strip 12k white/445 blue, I have the stock fans in the hood and stock return pump.. I'm seeing temps up around 84-86.. My ambient temp in my house is 80 due to the wife not wanting the ac running all the time..I did have a 120 gal tank setup in the same room and with 4 92mm computer fans blowing on the 8bulb t5 light and a fan on my sump I had temps of 77-80.

I did just add 2 40mm fans to my bc14 hood.. One brings in air and the other takes it out.. The air blows across the back chambers with the lid closed.. I just added these fans last night and haven't had the chance to check the temps.. Will do after work..

My question is what have others done to prevent high temps?

Yes I know I could drop the house temp but not going to happen..

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Couple things.

1) Run the hood open in front and back to help with evaporation.

2) Add fans for evaporation

3) If those don't work tee off of your return pump and add a chiller.

For reference, in my BC29 I run both hoods open, 2 MJ1200 with LEDs and a chiller. I can keep my temps at 80-81 without the chiller coming on. I really just keep the chiller for insurance.

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For my bio cube 14 I just got the fans and radiator used for liquid cooling computers. I spent about 65 bucks and it kept it below 80. I was running the power compacts and 3 ecoxotic led strips it's not as good as a chiller but it worked and was a lot smaller it just always had fan noise

Let me add I only used for about a month, I doubt you can constantly run saltwater through those thing for a long time and not have issues! It's a temp fix!

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DIY chiller

Tee of your return to a coil of tubing sitting in a small Gott water cooler full of ice water. The more coils of tubing in the container the more mit will cool the water. But be careful not to over chill, because this will pull the water temp down pretty dramatically if not careful.

Used this method on my 28 JBJ NC for a while until my chiller arrived, but I used a dedicated pump and a manifold of three coils of tubing so i actually had a manual thermostat of sorts.

Neon Reefer

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So really only way if I want to keep the lid closed is put a chiller on it?

Next question is their any simple DIY kinda chiller j can do or do I have to get a nano chiller?

Yes, although IMO, you're better off spending the extra money on something purpose built for the job.

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You might look at the iceprobe. Saw a biocube the other day with one of these in the back chamber. They're designed to screw into a bulkhead but this one was just stuck into the back chamber with the heatsink sticking up. Not super cheap but might just do the job with minimal modification to your tank.

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