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5 gallon Fluval Spec


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Well while stopping by at Aquatek to purchase some supplements for my 65 gallon, I caught a glimpse of a Fluval spec 5 gallon which was on clearance because it had no light. I had been toying with the idea of a tank here in my office and figured oh what the heck...the price is right...I mean 50 bucks for 5 gallon all in one. Well 50 bucks turned into 200 before I left after picking up a Panorama pro White and blue fixture and a few other things. The legs for the Panorama weren't adequate for mounting over the lid of the spec so I traveled over to my bud Shane at Fishy Business and asked him to build me an ABS hood to fit in the recess of the lid so that I could mount my Panorama fixture over. Well anyone who knows Shane knows the man can sure work with some ABS. My small canopy was built exactly to my needs and it works perfectly. I will be adding a magenta and blue stunner strip to supplement as I have always just wanted to see what they would look like in person. I plan on upgrading the return pump to a Minijet 606 as the space is really limited, and I really don't want to run a powerhead in there. I'm thinking of keeping some rics, zoo's, and a few sps. So far everyone in the office can't help but come out and look at it, and are wondering when I will be putting in a Doree fish, and some clowns in there. Of course we all know better...I might do one clown or yellow goby, a fire shrimp, and some of my trochus snail offspring that are running rampant in my home tank. I have a quick FTS which just has some of Shane's really nice live rock and the canopy he built. I'm kinda digging the little tank.


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Nice. That's the same tank I'm using for the pico contest. I'm finding the dimensions interesting to work with. The narrow width is something I haven't had to deal with before. I think I saw someone using an eheim compact 300 as a replacement. It's definitely a tight space to work with.

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this space for a replacement pump is almost 2 inches square so anything going in there will probably have to be modded a little. So far it looks cool, but the fact that it is narrow will be a challenge as far as coral placement...I'll see what I can do. And ya Shane did put together a nice top.

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Here's a couple of pics of the hood on the tank...it currently has a panorama pro 18w blue and white, a blue and magenta stunner strip, and a blue stunner strip....


Shane put some holes in the hood to allow for heat to vent out


and when it's lit it looks like this.....



Good little start

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I also put a few frags from the house and I bought a couple of rics and some zoos from Scuba....


Northern lights Green radioactive zoos ricordia and a piece of orange digi


Tricolor Frag Branching Hammer


Aqua delight and a piece of Red Planet I hope comes back.

I also added a 50w heater and some rubble rock to replace some of the other stuff in the back. No skimmer so will be doing some water changes.

Any suggestions for a fish to put in here?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update....picked up a little rainfords goby...cool little guy, and with the exception of a shrimp will be one of the only inhabitants in the tank. I also upgraded the pump to a Hydor Pico 300 gph pump...had to notch out the overflow a bit to make it work and ran it on the filtration side instead of on the side the factory installs it in. Flow is a whole lot better but I need a diffuser I think to really get the indirect flow I'm looking for. Have a couple of pics here and I reall am getting into the ricordias so will be trying to get some variety throughout the tank bed, but dang they can be pricey!


And my lil Goby


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this space for a replacement pump is almost 2 inches square so anything going in there will probably have to be modded a little. So far it looks cool, but the fact that it is narrow will be a challenge as far as coral placement...I'll see what I can do. And ya Shane did put together a nice top.

check out the sicce syncra .5. It should fit in there nice and snug.

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Sps are from my tank but the rics and zoas I've bought from folks here and there. I like the amount of flow from the new pump and the tank is looking rather happy with it so I'm gonna just add some type of diffuser to try and randomize the flow a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quik update...added a couple of snails from my home tank...and one (hopefully) friendly hermit crab to the tank. Still sticking to the weekly water changes but might space it out some after the tank starts to maintain its stability. All looking pretty good so far.


Loving the Rics and my new Alveo


Can't wait for some more zoos to add to this area and have fill in.

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Uhhhhhh...Goby went to fish heaven this weekend. Couldn't get him to eat and even though I had some algae in there for him to eat I never did see him start nibbling on anything. Real shame as he was def a beautiful fish. I even put some hair algae in the tank on a rock for him to sift through but nothing going.....imagine that actually introducing hair algae into a tank! Nuts! I was thinking of replacing him with a yellow goby but I do have a couple of SPS in there and when I had one in my previous tank all he did was pester my poor colored sticks. Don't know if I'll get another fish in here or not...may just do a shrimp, but I am open to suggestions. And thanks for the comments.

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Ya I'm leaning that way...just don't like em laying all over my sps agitating them.....but I think a yellow would work for me...they are itty bitty. Just hate the fact that I have to worry about feeding him...lol. I like the not having to worry about food in the tank feeling I have right now!

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Well...I added this little guy to the tank...been in there about a week already and just like I feared...he's messing with my SPS. Just when they extend their polyps...bam he or she is rubbing all up on em and nipping on the edges...grrrrrrrr! I have to admit though...he/she is pretty cool. I find myself talking to him like he's a dog...guess it's because of they way they perch and kinda jog around the rockwork.


And here I caught him after he just got done pestering my green millipora (which by the way he really likes)...tell me he's not sitting there blushing after knowing he did bad!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well...it's finally reared it's ugly face....Hair Algae......! Now time to begin the process of wiping it out.



Keep your fingers crossed...I've got a couple of my home bred trochus snails that are hopefully up for the challenge and will put a couple more in if needed. I'll also pull out what I can with my hand and scrub what I can. Gonna use a little phosphate remover in a bag and I'm already using some purigen. Let's see what happens...everything else is doing pretty well and coloring up nicely.

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  • 7 months later...

hello new to here but been reading alot about sps and certain gobies...like clowns, yellow and blacks. i thought they were symbiot species anyway. im just curious. trying to get as much info as i can before i get the itch to start stocking. -vinnie

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