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RBTA vs Shrooms?

George Monnat Jr

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Yesterday I got a beautiful RBTA from JeeprTy. Last night I put it on a big LR on the far right of my DT, and it seemed happy. This morning before the lights came on, I couldn't see it there anymore. Today when I got home from work, it had crawled behind the rock and popped out on the other side. The moving doesn't bother me, but now it's encroaching on my Purple Mosaic Mushroom. Are mushrooms bothered by BTA stings, or should I move one of them?


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BTA wins. So far the only coral I've seen not bothered by BTAs is Blue Coral, Heliopora coerulea. Or at least it's not killed by BTAs, the polyps usually don't come out but that may just be from physical contact causes them to retract.

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My money is always on the RBTA winning... unless its against a powerhead. I would clear the path of destruction until it settles somewhere and is happy. They typically like to attach their foot in a crevice and extend outwards towards the light.


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My experience most BTAs will stay in one place for a long time but sooner or later will move and there's no predicting it (look at Ozarkawater's thread from a couple of weeks ago). I have had one notable instance where a Teal and Pinktip BTA dissappeared in the rockwork of a 200 gallon for a couple of months then reappeared on the other side of the tank very pale but recovered to continue terrorizing the other corals.

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I had placed the big, new RBTA on the far right side of the right-most LR (the biggest LR in the DT). As mentioned above, it went behind that big LR and popped out on the left side of the DT where it threatened a mushroom two nights ago. Yesterday morning I looked, and it was still there but sucked up with several Sexy Shrimp hanging out on it. Then last night I looked, and it was gone. I figured it had crawled back down into the rock. At least the mushroom looked fine.

Late last night as the lights were about to start shutting down, I looked for it again. I didn't see it and was getting concerned, when I realized it was right in front of my face! It had popped out of the front of the big LR and was cruising around demanding protection money, first from the Pulsing Xenia. Fortunately, it settled down where it's not touching anything - unless the Frogspawn decides to light it up with a preemptive volley. This morning it was still in that same spot.


That's a good spot; it's where my big GBTA was before I overfed and killed it. I just peeked through my IP camera from work, and it's still there. Yay!

You can see it above and right of the opened Frogspawn (with one of the annoying, giant Pacific Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp below and right of the RBTA).


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