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update pics with new livestock


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it does look a little pissy (receded so you can see the skeleton, sloughing). Try changing the position of the piece to higher/lower light and/or flow. Move it every few days till you find a spot where it puffs up.

Ok I'll try moving it to a different spot tonight while messing with the tank. When it "puffs up" does this happen quickly? Will it be obvious to know if it is happy?

Cleanup crew looks solid. I'd be surprised if most of that fish wasn't gone already.

The candy cane does look pretty pissed. Don't know much about your setup but generally too much light or flow is to blame. 3rd problem may be water quality if not the first two.

Mine generally don't like much flow. They don't like to be blasted with lights but can be acclimated to it over time.

Maybe the lighting is the issue. I have recently turned the lights up about 15% and it was only in it's place for about two days. I have a spot in mind where I can sort of tuck it out of the way of bright light and high flow. Funny, I never would have thought that high flow would ever be an issue with my current setup only having one MP10.

Edited by kmacc05
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I like the rock work, and me liking the livestock is a given smile.png how long has the candy came looked pissed like that? Mine will occasionally look like that for short periods of time, but go back to being puffy shortly after

Thanks for the complement on the rock work! The candy cane is now gone. I found out I had a little spike in ammonia and nitrite so that is probably what did the damage. So I took it back up to RCA and when water quality is in check I may end up getting another one.

Second pic says blenny.

Sure you don't have a yellow watchman goby?

Ahhhh yes. Thanks for the correction. It is a blue spotted goby. I was misinformed at LFS.

So do watchmen gobies partner up with a pistol shrimp?

great looking rock scape! Nice job on this tank.

Thank you very much! It's taken a lot of work.

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Yeah. There is a little yellow in the stripes but the rest of his body is more of a white/grey color. Then really vivid blue spots towards the face/head and on his fins. I'm glad he is one that will pair with a pistol shrimp! I've always wanted a little goby/shrimp duo to watch. Awesome

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Good to learn, I have one of the same fish in my tank and was told by everyone at RCA when I bought it that it was a yellow watchman goby, bossman bagged it up and said it was YWG. Always wondered why he was so pale :P never thought to look at goby species beyond him telling me that.

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From what I have found the yellow watchmen gobies are predominantly yellow all over. I love mine whatever kind he is. I'll stick with blue spotted goby. He has so much personality. Now gotta find a pistol for him to team up with.

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Yup; blue spotted watchman goby. I think most people think of the blue spotted jawfish when they see 'blue spotted'. I know I do.





Yellow watchman goby is here:


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