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Display Red Macro


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I salvaged it from some macro that was destroyed by Drawf Angels in my DT. At this time, I can not say that this will be offered. It is a very slow grower. I have taken sprigs of this gorgeous Red Macro and have put it in three different systems with different lights. It was my intention to make designer live rock with corals and decorative macro. If it proves durable, I will include it on the top end of this customized live rock. In that respect, Tim, I am bragging.

I also have two more exotic Red Macro that I am growing from a similar meltdown. I wil try to get pictures. They are pretty small and difficult for my skill level of camera use.

Anyway, I am giving you my vision for Castille Coral Ranch.


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The fish in two of my display tanks decided that feather Caulerpa was on the menues and I now have many skinny vines with no feathery leaves. However, in my Cube it is gorgeous under 3W of PC lamps.



I find it attractive with only actinics.

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