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Itching to Rescape - what do you want to see at the August Meeting?


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Hi Everyone,

I'm itching to rescape my cardiff tank. Probably 'cause Its more fun than cleaning the house wink.png

Anyway, wondering what all of you would prefer to see since you'll be here in a week. I can keep it as is until after the meeting. Currently, I've created a cave using three large rocks. I'm thinking of taking the cave apart and just using one of the large rocks for a little height, but placing all the seafans and macroalgae lower down so they have the opportunity to grow really tall. Plus I think this option might look more like a seagrass bed/lagoon style tank (though I have no seagrass). I've attached an old picture of the cave so you have an idea of what I'm talking about. It does look a lot different now that corals have either grown in, passed on or changed locations. Either way, you'll see something new. I guess the main question is - are people interested in seeing the cave?

LMK here



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Cardiff tank?

By reducing the size of cave rockwork, you would switch more attention to sea fans and seagrasses. I like that direction. What kind of light is that? I like the way it looks.

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I think the cave looks neat, but another set up will probably look great too! One question though, are you thinking of only having one rock in there? That doesn't look like very much live rock. When I first started with seahorses I only had 3 very small rocks and tank did great, so I guess that won't be a problem :)

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Rescape complete! But I'm not posting any pictures until after the August meeting - you'll have to come and see the new aquascape smile.png

What a teaser? I will be there to see your handi-work. Patrick

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