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Solana Livestock for sale


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The tank is sold, so here's your chance to pick up some critters for your tank:

  • two naked clowns (paired) and their 6"+ sebae anemone host - $75 - Fish Pending - Joshdmartin, Anemone Pending - Niko
  • yellow watchman goby and tiger pistol shrimp pair (shrimp is HUGE) - $30 - Pending - BBReefer
  • 1 anthias (eats frozen mysis and dry pellets, little piggy! - $20 - Pending - Victoly
  • cabbage coral - $10 - Pending - Victoly
  • mini-carpets:(1)4" green/white, 3 nickel sized ones (green/white) - $35 (will be very hard to get these off the live rock, so selling rock with them on it) - Pending - MxnSldr78
  • live rock with various green/purple mushrooms - $15 - Pending - MxnSldr78
  • various CUC (elephant slugs, hermits, emerald crab, porcelain crab, tiger cucumber) - Pending - RChavez
  • all remaining live rock (not mentioned above) - $25 - Pending - MxnSldr78
  • live sand - (asterinas, micro brittles)

Will post pics tonight

Paypal required to hold

* I'd like to do the break down and arrange all pickups on the same night this week. - **** Looks like Thursday night works best ****

Pics added: you can see the naked clowns (male has white cheeks), anthias (female), sebae anemone, and cabbage coral

post-884-0-36523800-1341944119_thumb.jpg post-884-0-61250700-1341944124_thumb.jpg post-884-0-81870200-1341944129_thumb.jpg

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Do you know if the watchman is male or female? Or how hard it is for them to pair?

I have a yellow in my cube that lost his shrimp a while back.

Not sure of the sex, and have never paired gobies with each other. Pairing up a goby and a shrimp is dead simple, they pretty much find each other within a day or two and start shacking up.

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