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Fish for 2 gallon nano


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What fish can I put in my two gallon nano? I've got three sexy shrimp right now and a bunch of polyps corals. I had a yellow clown goby but he bullied my sexies, so he got moved to my twelve gallon (and has since disappeared sad.png ). I'm thinking of putting the sexies in my clown fish and anemone tank, so then my two gallon won't have any fish/invertebrates.


PS are clown fish and sexies safe together?

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Yasha haze and pistol pair!! I had them in my pico and loved loved loved watching them... till the yasha jumped (THROUGH the tiny hole in the lid... sigh) and the pistol turned up mysteriously dead (I suspect my pom-pom crab). Neon gobies would be awesome too, I had those for awhile too until they also disappeared (again, suspect the pom-pom crab).

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PS are clown fish and sexies safe together?

No, I wouldn't do it, they'll compete for the anemones. I'd vote for a goby/pistol shrimp pair, but keep in mind that pistol shrimp will eventually prey on decorative shrimp so I would not co-locate them in the same tank.

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PS are clown fish and sexies safe together?

No, I wouldn't do it, they'll compete for the anemones. I'd vote for a goby/pistol shrimp pair, but keep in mind that pistol shrimp will eventually prey on decorative shrimp so I would not co-locate them in the same tank.

The clown fish currently host my bubble anemones. I was thinking the sexies might host my three mini carpet anemones (never seen the clown fish even interested in hosting those). If there are enough anemones do you think it would be okay? I'm mostly curious if the clown fish might eat the sexies.

If I don't relocate the sexies - which goby would be best with them?

If I do relocate the sexies - I'm loving everyone's suggestions so keep them coming!!!!

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You could do clown gobies. Definitely my favorite pico size fish. They shouldn't be any problem with them and the sexy shrimp in the same tank.

I had a yellow clown goby and he would chase the sexies around - I caught the shrimp jumping out of the tank twice and decided to move the yellow clown goby to my house. He has since disappeared from my 12 gallon. Do you think that might have just been that one fish or that another would do the same thing?

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May have just been a territorial one. I've heard multiple cases of people keeping them together. I had them in my 8g pico for a while with no problems either. 2g is definitely a confined area though. Would probably make sure the shrimp are well established before adding the fish.

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How big are your clowns? Mine ate 4 peppermint shrimp in 1 day... but that's just my experience. It honestly depends on the size and aggression level of your clowns. Even though they may not host the same anemone, they are awfully snack size...

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How big are your clowns? Mine ate 4 peppermint shrimp in 1 day... but that's just my experience. It honestly depends on the size and aggression level of your clowns. Even though they may not host the same anemone, they are awfully snack size...

Wish my clowns would turn on my pep shrimp... I hate the little bugger first chance i get to grab him and not have to rip the tank apart he is out of there and into the sump!

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How big are your clowns? Mine ate 4 peppermint shrimp in 1 day... but that's just my experience. It honestly depends on the size and aggression level of your clowns. Even though they may not host the same anemone, they are awfully snack size...

Wish my clowns would turn on my pep shrimp... I hate the little bugger first chance i get to grab him and not have to rip the tank apart he is out of there and into the sump!

I've used the made at home soda bottle fish trap to catch mine and it worked great.

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I was thinking about that guy. Not too much is known about them though . . . do you think it'll eat frozen or pellet?

You'll want to actually view him eating at the store, they're notorious for coming to your tank and starving to death.

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