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Echinata sudden rtn, water too clear?


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I have been starting a hybrid Zeovit/bio-pellet system on my 200g reef. I did my 1/2 dose of sponge power (water clarity aid) on Thursday night, when I got home from work Friday, the water was super clear and all of the corals looked awesome!

Today I got home to find my echinata 1/2 way rtn'd. I've heard that If your water is really clear, it lets more light through. That's what I'm thinking is the culprit to my bleaching/rtning of my echinata.

Anyone ever Experienced this before? Any way to make sure it doesn't happen again?

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after having the same thing happen to me about a year ago i quit dosing anything. i let my stuff grow naturally now. Dosing is a crap shoot IMO...not saying its bad but when things go wrong with a SLNS its not good.

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Hard to say. I'm sure your water got clearer but as I understand it, its basically food for sponges/tunicates/filter feeders. I wouldn't imagine a dose 4 days ago would instantly increase your population of filter feeders to the point that your water got so clear that your echinata got toasted. Though I have no experience with this product. I just find it hard to imagine the filter feeding population exploded after just four days.

Any other recent charges in your system? Any other additives you've been experimenting with? How are you running your biopellets? Reactor? How long have they been in service? Running GFO?

Where is your echinata placed? Was it doing well before the dose of sponge power?

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This is about 3 weeks in to 1/2 doses of Zeovit coral foods. My pellets have been running in a vertex reactor for about 2 weeks, previously in a tlf reactor for about 3 months. I have gfo running in a tlf reactor, carbon in a bag. It was a Hawkins, and it has been in my tank for 2 months doing fine. Within the last week of had began to show blue tips and more polyp extension. Then rtn....

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I guess the biggest change recently was going from dosing tlc to dosing zeobak, dropped the nutrients too quick maybe? I'm doing a full dose of zeobak twice a week as reccomended and 1/2 doses of all the foods. But I'm only on my 3rd dose of zeobak.

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Frustrating as it is you need take into consideration sometimes things happen that are totally unrelated. Your RTN might not have anything to do with your dosing regime. Also, in my experience sometimes the only known stresser event may have been weeks before corals showed issues.

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I don't really know about the zeovit system since I have no experience with it. I was just curious what you've been running and how. Seems like there has been a lot of changes in the last couple of months. Perhaps just letting things stabilize a bit and implement one new thing at a time to isolate the results?

For instance, it took me 6-8 months to really isolate and tweak my biopellets, ending with me removing a lot of biopellets as the manufacturers highly overstate how much you need. It would have been hard for me to tell that if I was dosing at the same time.

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I think all changes must be done at a snails pace. Even running a kalk reactor, the added CA(higher than normal) cause all my softies to look like...well, you get the point. Stability is key here I think. Im done with dosing anything but a/b....SPS are so dang sensitive so who knows what was introduced to the WC to cause this.

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I had the bio Pellets on my last 90 g tank and I liked the results. I have since doubled the amount of pellets since its a 200g+ system. And that's been running for about 3 months. I began light dosing of a few Zeovit foods about a month ago and started a full regimine of zeo foods and zeobak about 2 weeks ago just to start being consistent. I have seen better polyp extension and better color out of some sps and some sps dont like the change. I guess the echinata is one of them.

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Well I think I found the problem. My ALK dosing line had a clog at the end. So my alk solution hasn't been being pumped for probably about 4 days?! Yikes. Got it back on line this morning. Funny how you start trying to rule out things, but then it ends up being very obvious once you look in the right Place.

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