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Looking for WIDE aquarium (30"+) around 180-240gal

Crab Rangoon

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I currently have a Marineland 150 Deep Dimension aquarium that is 36x36x28" and would like to upgrade to something longer. We are moving in June, which is the perfect opportunity to upgrade to a different tank. I realize this could be a fruitless search, but it's at least worth a shot.

If you have something that fits my needs, please contact me: [email protected] / 512.422.0580

Todd Campbell sold his Deep Sea Aquatics Neo 185 in February, but I had to pass on it because it wasn't feasible at the time after much deliberation. If you happened to purchase his aquarium, I would STILL very much like to buy it - I can offer to purchase outright or trade my aquarium + cash!

1. I am open to aquariums that are 48" / 60" / 72" long.

2. I would like 30" / 36" width. I am simply not interested in 18-24" widths.*

*If you have a DSA Neo 90 with original stand, I may be interested. This is the only smaller aquarium I have interest in, whatsoever.

3. I am not interested in aquariums with a center brace, except the Deep Sea Aquatics 185.

4. Reef-ready / overflows are a must.

5. I am only looking for a tank & stand, as my 150g is currently adequately equipped for a 180-250g system.

5(a). If you are selling a whole system, I can aid in selling your equipment in order to net myself the aquarium & stand.

I have no use acquiring a tank until mid/late June - but I can take it as soon as you may need to get it out of your home. I really love & enjoy my 150g DD tank, but it is truly a bad fit for the room where we'd like the aquarium in our upcoming home. Fingers crossed I can find something to better suit our needs smile.png

Edited by Crab Rangoon
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saw a bit ago that theres a guy on craigslist sellin a big 200gall + cube with rustic stand with built in MH and fans not a bad lookin tank, but its pretty pricy pm me if you want the link, also i remember in Houston theres a dude selling a 300 gallon cube with just stand no top for 800 i think he even went down on that price as well but its a drive >.>

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It's too bad that they are cubes, as I need a rectangular tank. The DSA 185g (60x30x24) is ideal, but has been removed from their production line for some odd reason.

My cube is nice & all, but a 36x36 cube just will not fit in well with the floor plan of the home we're moving to. The living areas of the home do not have any suitable corners to place the tank, so I'm looking for something with a longer appearance to place on the longest wall.

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dsa replaced their 185g with a 190 (which is what i have now) if your looking for new one close to the dsa 185 thats your best bet is the new 190 its 60"X27.5"X27.5

also i know kevin (stoneroller) has a 185 dsa i'm not sure if he ever set it up but last i talked to him he said he may consider selling his because i was interested in buying his before i got my 190 do not quote me on this one though

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Hey Crab, I couldn't be happier after buying my 60x30x20h tank after selling my 150g. Granted, I liked the 150g, but there is something sweet about a rimless pennisula. Only thing I would change (and this will take some real convincing (like a trip to Italy) of my wife) would be a 72x36x20 on a 34" tall stand. Perfect tank IMHO.


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The house we're closing on is almost twice the size of the one we've rented the past few years. Luckily, this means I'm nearly unrestricted when it comes to tank size, I can go as wide as 36" and as long as 72" (would never desire longer). Finding / ordering a tank is the only task left at hand. Heck, I'd even be cool with a peninsula if necessary.

Custom built DSA/AGE. Of course, that takes $$$$.

Unwilling. I don't have time to wait on a custom built tank, or any possible set-backs associated with it. Also, I am spoiled (price-wise) by working in the aquarium retail industry for many years. I would gladly buy a second-hand AGE or similar high end aquarium, but custom DSA is a joke when it comes to bang for buck.

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I've had a few people reach out to me so far, and I appreciate all the consideration.

Bumping this one last time in hopes of maybe lucking out with a used tank before pulling the trigger on a new one.

We close on our home 6.22 and must be out of our rental by 7.01, so my backup plan is to order a new DSA 190 next week if need be.

Edited by Crab Rangoon
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