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Pistol Shrimp/Yellow Watchman Goby Pair


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I've had these two for about 8mths. They paired up at the store and have been together since. The shrimp is a very active cave digger in the 6g tank they are in. When they were in the 84g I had I thought they died...they were half the size and apparently set up shop where I couldn't see them. I will try to get photos, but when I get close to the tank the goby often darts in the cave. Nice little pair that must stay together...I'm going to be taking down their little nano tank.

Asking $30.

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Having them gone sooner would be better so if you can get them Saturday mframe, they are yours. I would keep them if I had another place to put them, but I currently only have a 10g and it has an angler that would eat both. The rest of my fish will be in a plastic tub for the next 6mths and my puffer would probably make a meal out of the shrimp anyway.

Text me Saturday 512-697-7192. I've currently have no plans to go anywhere...if I feel up to it I'll check out the grand opening. I've been feeling crappy though. Had to put down one of my older dogs Monday unexpectedly, and lost a pup to Parvo last week that I helped rescue.

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lost a pup to Parvo last week that I helped rescue.

Man... Know what you mean, Dena. We lost an entire litter of pups (9 Labs) when I was younger to Parvo. We sold one of the puppies to a family friend, he broke his leg somehow, they didn't want to pay the vet bills, so they gave him back to us. They failed to tell us truthfully that he hadn't had his Parvo vaccines yet and when he came back to us, he brought the virus with him. The other pups hadn't had their vaccinations yet, so needless to say, we lost all 9. We did everything we could and racked up a giant vet bill, but it was useless. Absolutely devastating to watch a helpless animal completely deteriorate and not be able to do anything about it. Especially having to watch that nine times...

I know how you feel. Stay strong!

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That must have been hard. I had this boy for four days and then my friend took him into her program. The next night he showed signs, was diagnosed Monday and then died Wed. We thought for sure he'd make it...he seemed like a strong boy. He was full of life. Someone on CL was trading him for a bird and I couldn't let that happen. I know they meant well after meeting them, but I knew that I could definitely get him into a good home. He had only a partial front left leg...didn't hold him back at all. My friend had a home in Chicago wanting him (previous adopter)...they were going to train him for therapy work. He had a wonderful life ahead of him and it's so hard to see that gone so quickly.

Both him and my girl were sudden...hadn't gotten over losing him last week Wed. and then had to bring Rosie in Monday. Thought it was just a broken/infected tooth. It was cancer...ate her jaw...and she was STILL eating. I knew it hurt and I couldn't let her hurt longer just for me. My vet adored her and was crying also.

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That's terrible. I've had dogs my entire life and can't imagine ever not having at least one. But deaths and old age are so hard. When my mother put down our last dog (chocolate lab named Snickers, mother of the Parvo litter, whom we had had since I was 7), she called me crying saying it was like putting down one of her own children. She had severe hip dysplasia and got to where she couldn't even lift her back legs to walk anymore. Best and smartest dog we ever had.

Anyways, sorry for the sob stories, haha. I'll let the thread get back on topic. I'm sorry to hear about your losses :(

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I'll swing by on my way to Stephen's on Saturday. Thanks Dena. Sorry to hear about your pup, I know how much all of your kids mean to you (even the new ones). I'm really glad there are people like you out that that help out all furry friends despite the personal pain that it brings.

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