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Disturbing ocean gifts


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My wife took a picture of these in a gift shop this weekend in south padre. I haven't ever seen this before and am very passionate about not harming sharks due to how vulnerable they are.

Anyway, have no idea why or who would do this, but some pretty sick stuff. $20 each...


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I've seen the puffers and starfish and just about everything else. Somehow I've missed the bottled sharks all these years.

It's funny how much anti-aquarium activism there is, Hawaii especially. At least we're trying to keep our livestock alive...

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slightly off topic but in Australia when I visited....there were giant rooms full of kangaroo things....pouches made out of ball sacks....back scratchers made from claws. Complete disregard for the life of other things. They really are treated like rodents over there.

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slightly off topic but in Australia when I visited....there were giant rooms full of kangaroo things....pouches made out of ball sacks....back scratchers made from claws. Complete disregard for the life of other things. They really are treated like rodents over there.

I saw the same when I was over there. The kangaroos and wallaby in the "zoos" there are awesome, you can pet and feed them and they're really smart. A wallaby followed me around and kept trying to pick-pocket me because he knew I had food. Over there, though, they are like deer are here in Texas. There are so many that they become a hazard when driving and cause many accidents. At least there I felt like the hides and such that I saw were from responsible harvesting.

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