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I now know what a Scorpion sting is like. After an early afternoon Jacuzi soak, I picked up my towel off of the cedar picket fence. As I dryed off, it felt as if several wasp had stung my upper leg at the same time. Throwing the towel on the ground, I noted the Scorpion posed for more stinging. He died that way. One hour later, no abnormal swelling but pain level has stayed the same.


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Yeah, the dangers down here. I had one get me when I brushed up against a chair in the house.

(Which reminds me, might be time to get the pest guy out here.. I have killed 2 in the house so far this year)

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Yeah, the dangers down here. I had one get me when I brushed up against a chair in the house.

(Which reminds me, might be time to get the pest guy out here.. I have killed 2 in the house so far this year)

Richard, one thing that I have done to reduce the scorpion and chiggar population (including fleas) is to use abundant cedar mulch. The chemicals in cedar (Juniper Ash) are noxious and posonious to many critters that we do not want in our homes. Because I have chosen to deaden the pain with alcohoal, I called my sponsor to my home and we are going to have a Red Ogo Party.


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I found one at my old boss' house when I was checking her mail when she was outta town... it jumped in my car and I went in an hour long hunt till I finally found it under the seat needless to say it didnt live long after that!

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Try dabbing the sting with bleach... I've never been stung {knocking on wood} but my poor husband and son have both been stung multiple times. I just recently heard to put bleach on it so the last time my son was stung on the leg I grabbed my clorox bleach pen and put a small dot on the sting. He said it "instantly went away"...

Worth a try...

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Putting honey on stings is one of the best remedies there is. My parents keep bees so stings happen. Rub a little honey on it and the pain goes away. I had on a pair of docks the other day. Took them off and out fell a live scorpion. Kinda crazy I had those socks on for over 8 hours and no sting. Kinda weird.

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