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File Fish


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Before I thought this through, I was thinking with the mindset that almost everyone has corals. So I'm cracking up reading this as essentially it sez 'anyone want this fish for a discount - course he will eat all your corals except a few.' What a bargain. Maybe you had to be there (or here in this case) :)


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hey im honest what do you want me to say.

I have this cool aptasia eating file fish that cleared my tank he is all yours.

then a week latter I get an email that **** fish ate all my stuff.

To me the guilt and bad carma of passing on a coral eating beast is not worth the 40 I paid the live fish store and somone may have a fish only tank or a sump that needs to be cleared. I would sure hope that other user here would not be willing to pass on a fish that will distroy a tank.

And I really did not want to say buy him or he goes in the freezer so whats a guy to do.

Before I thought this through, I was thinking with the mindset that almost everyone has corals. So I'm cracking up reading this as essentially it sez 'anyone want this fish for a discount - course he will eat all your corals except a few.' What a bargain. Maybe you had to be there (or here in this case) smile.png


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then it would go to another reefer down the line and he would nibble on stuff again. I do have to say he just bothered stuff with a nip here and there he did not just chow down on one coral and move to another.

i would just as soon he end up in a fowlr

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