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Well, heck.....


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So after I killed the clown Friday, I replaced it yesterday with a smaller one and a yellow and purple basslet. Last night they were both very happy, this morning the clown is dead. :) And the worst part is, I can see it on the gravel in the middle of my rock pile. I'm going to have to take the rock pile apart to get to it. But I've only a 40 gal, and don't want to leave it in there. So far the basslet still looks happy.

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All is well again, I think. I bought yet another clown - this time a tomato clown - yesterday. So far he's still alive. This morning he was all cuddled up in the anemone, which I think will also live. I need to get the anemone to move back to the front of the rockpile, and then I'm going to take a pic. You guys wouldn't believe how much it's changed since I figured out my thermometer was off and the tank was too warm. It's gone from a balled-up lump with tiny white bumps to actually spreading out with brownish tentacles that are about 1/2" long. No contest winner but I'm ecstatic that it's doing better. The new clown and basslet are both very friendly and active, and now maybe I can re-focus on getting a fuge and a new skimmer.

Thanks for all the advice and kind words!

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Tomato's are pretty hardly (probably the most so behind the Clarkii IMO). They can be agressive towards tank mates, but it sounds like you got a friendly version. Tomato's are also pretty tough on anemones so keep an eye out.

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Tomato's are pretty hardly (probably the most so behind the Clarkii IMO). They can be agressive towards tank mates, but it sounds like you got a friendly version. Tomato's are also pretty tough on anemones so keep an eye out.

Hopefully he won't tear up the anemone, it's been through so much already. And yet another catastrophe (does it ever end?) - the anemone backed up under the rock the clam is on. It knocked the clam over face down in the sand, and knocked another rock onto the sea apple. But it's all put back together everything seems fairly happy. At least the apple hasn't nuked the tank yet.

This is SO much harder than freshwater, but so much more rewarding.

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