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I just killed my clown!


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I was doing some rearranging, had a powerhead in my hand, and before I knew it he got sucked up in there. It's a strong PH, and I usually have the intake part about 2 cm from the glass so nothing will get sucked up, but I had in my hand right after I fed them, noticed him missing, and found him in the ph. My daughter will be heartbroken when she gets home from the football game. And naturally, all the stores are closed. :)

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Sorry about your lose. We had one of our clowns and a citron goby sucked up into 2 different powerheads at the same time. We put sponge filters on them to keep this from happening again.


Thanks, Dave. We had 4 fish a month ago, and new we have only one. I'll probably replace the clown tomorrow. What's a sponge filter?

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That sucks. We had a mandarine lose a battle with the return pump and it was devastating. The does work. we had to do it with some seahorses.

I feel terrible. He was such a cute little thing, he just loved the anemone. Oh well.

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A sponge filter is just a little sponge thingy that goes over the intake so nothing bigger than water can get through. You lose a little flow (especially if you don't clean the sponge), but you don't have to worry about your critters.

Sorry for your loss. My tank is down two out of four as well. :)

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A sponge filter is just a little sponge thingy that goes over the intake so nothing bigger than water can get through. You lose a little flow (especially if you don't clean the sponge), but you don't have to worry about your critters.

Sorry for your loss. My tank is down two out of four as well. :)

Can you get at an LFS?

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What kind of power heads do you have? It might be easier to get a strainer depending on the model you have. You might find it at the LFS depending on what they stock.

It's an Aquaclear 70. I see Bob sells something for it. I'll pick one up. The clown and the wrasse that disappeared a couple of weeks ago were our first 2 fish.

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