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Long Tentacle Plate Coral


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I might have pushed my luck too far yesterday. I purchased a Long Tentacle Plate Coral and placed it in my little Red Sea 130D aquarium. How hard are these corals to maintain? Water parameters are decent and pretty stable. However; the tank has only been set up for 7 weeks. Any information or advice would be helpful. I thank you in advance.

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I might have pushed my luck too far yesterday. I purchased a Long Tentacle Plate Coral and placed it in my little Red Sea 130D aquarium. How hard are these corals to maintain? Water parameters are decent and pretty stable. However; the tank has only been set up for 7 weeks. Any information or advice would be helpful. I thank you in advance.

I've had two and had difficulty with both. +1 to what Juiceman says, place it and leave it, and make sure it's somewhere safe that frags and other items can't fall on it. My experience is that once the flesh or skeleton get damaged you'll most likely loose it. Awesome corals, I continue to want to try again. Let us know how it works!

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If you touched it barehanded.... or the LFS touched /.........or the harvester or anyone in between....its dead. Sandbed and leave it alone. needs a tad bit of flow or detritus will burn it.........I have kept one for a yr or so and it does wonderfully........if anything touches it .....its dead........no sifters movers shakers or urchins.........Awesome pick up......watch for RTN....and BJD.........good luck!!!

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Yeah. I just moved my 90 a cross the room and had to move the plate to a holding tank and then back into the main using my bare hands. It is back puffed up like usual. I hadn't handled it since I got it, it was sticky like an anemone! Love it!

If you touched it barehanded.... or the LFS touched /.........or the harvester or anyone in between....its dead.


When mechanical damage is the issue, nothing is safer for the coral than bare hands...

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Talk about STUPID. Yesterday I was watching my tank when I noticed a little starfish fall off the front glass right into the center of the plate coral. The coral quickly wrapped its tentacles around the starfish and covered it up. Later that night when just the actintic lights were on I noticed that the coral had completely retracted all of its tentacles so I looked down to see if the starfish was there. Well like a dumb-a_s I stuck my hand in the tank and started scatching the surface of the coral ( First big no-no ) and the coral started sliding along the rock which it is sitting on (Second big no-no). After I realized what I did; I thought nothing like throwing $50.00 out a window. Well maybe I lucked out again, the coral seems fine with its tentacles all streched out just waving in the current and the base all puffed out. I guess time will tell.

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