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Micro flora/fauna question


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Hello all.

I have been seeing amphipod growth in my newly setup tank recently with very little algae. I am having a hard time identifying the small (micro) "polyp" life clinging to the inside of the glass . Looks very similar to a dandelion seed stuck to a wet window fluttering in the wind. This along with all kinds of small life are why I jumped to SW!

Any ideas?


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Tank is about 3 weeks with 2 small pieces of LR. The small guys don't have tubes, but what look like a pod on a string.

I just went back to get a better look....and two of them "drew down", just like a large duster. Upon seeing this, there are also 1/2 mm long 'worms' in the same area. Never would have expected this much life so soon.

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Maybe hydroids? Do they look like these? http://www.wetwebmedia.com/Cnidarians/Hydrozoans/Hydropolyps/70677hydroid.jpg

There are good and bad hydroids, but from what I've gathered these are the good ones (whew!) ;) Their population occasionally explodes, esp in newer tanks, but they'll eventually fade away on their own.

I had a phase in my nano when they were all over the place!

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Thanks for the links guys and gals! I looked through both sites, what a wealth of info. I have also tried searching extensively for something similar and wanted some other opinions. I managed to get a few shots of both what I will call for now duster and a worm; guess they would both be worms.

The first and last shows one of the dusters 'drawn in' after what appears to be catching something. Scale is about 1mm for all creatures.





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Did I mention there are thousands of these in my tank? Reading up, I think these may be a type of duster worm in the Sabellidae family. If this is from a spawn, I'd love to know where they hitched from. I only have two pieces of LR with no other large life on it. All this and it has gone through cycle with this happening.

I just took a few more shots of this same colony, they've doubled in size in two days. Do fd (feather duster) outbreaks happen?

Edited by jaggedfire
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I'm kinda inclined to think they are some kind of hydroid but they could be feather dusters of some kind. At this size and the newness of the tank they could be something else entirely also (the polyp stage of jellyfish will look similar to that). I'd say wait and see. Another month and if they are some kind of feather duster or fan worm you should see the tube they live in. If they've dissappeared it'll probably be a question you'll take to your grave grin.png

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