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Brown gunk on rock


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So my tanks been back up since May and there were some brown deposits forming on my rock slowly. Not diatoms or cyno, just some brown fuzzy(can only see the "fuz" when profiled) looking sludge and now its almost completely covered one rock. It started around the time my coraline starting to show up in good size patches. Not sure what it is and will get some pics of it later this evening but wondering if anyone has had this kinda thing happen. I started with completely bleached rock. My di resin was crapped out and showing some tds so I changed it but in the short time that it was spitting out some tds some slight green showed up on the rocks. Im wondering if there is something in the water causing this. All params are good, zero'd out on the bad stuff. I dont have a mag checker and my phosphates are really low, running hi-cap GFO media. My calcium was very high for a long time, like 550ppm or so. I can scrape this stuff off with my finger nail and its does not appear to be any kinda algea or something. More like a really hard version of cynao and coraline mixed together...weird but either way I dont like the looks of it. Any ideas? Sorry for the lack of pics, Im at work atm.

SG 1.026


T5HO lights x 4 (ATI new)

Reef octo 200 xtreme skimmer

40g tank

20g sump

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Its not cyano. Not sure wth it is. Basically melt a brown crayon on some live rock and let it harden...thats about the texture of it. Ive had cyano before, this isnt similar. I took pics but forgot my camera at home so will have to wait till monday...

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If you're reffering to the dark brown spots patches and it doesn't easily wipe off I'd say it's a algae of some kind and not a cynobacteria. Your description of "fuz" rules out a coraline. It sounds and looks kinda like dark colored Hincksia sp. If it bothers you I would start with your preferred method for dealing with hair algae.

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Ive got one hermit in there. Thinking about getting some more. Everyone I know has a bunch of these guys running around and at one time I did as well and didnt have this stuff. Since then I ruled them out as almost useless but wondering if I missed the notch on this junk, maybe it would be gobbled up by some blue/red legs..got snails and they have done a good job but wont touch this brown stuff.

It comes off easy, but not by wiping it, have to use my fingernail to scrape it off but does seem to come off with very little effort, not hard to remove like coraline.

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