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Are File fish toxic ?


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I noticed the file fish looks like it has small spines all over its body are they sharp ? I know its got the big honking horn up top :). and are they toxic to other fish if they get attacked.

I ask because I saw my purple tang smack him a good one with his tail on Sunday and Monday the tang was in the rocks with his head pointed to the sand :( I figured he was a gonner but today he actualy came out for a bit but still very timid and not eating and he is a PIG!!!

It may just be it hurt and the tang was put in his place he does pout if I move rocks or add stuff to the tank but it usualy only lasts a day at most..

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John, as you have surmised, fish have personalaties. I have a file fish: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=15+30+140&pcatid=140

I find this fish to be peaceful and shy. Yes, it does have sharp spines on the anterior dorsal fin. It is easy to be peaceful, when your armor is threatning.


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Ya the file fish is very mellow it was the tang that smacked him a good one. The file fish has never bothered anyone other than the aptasia and thats a good thing. Well whatever bothered the tang hes it out and about more so must be feeling better.

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