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clown fish question


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Hey All,

I'm getting ready to move my black clown fish to their new home (29 gallon biocube), when I realized it would be good to double check on whether or not they are known jumpers. The biocube is running as an open top with mh pendant - am I going to need to get a glass top or do you think the clowns will be fine? They are going to be the only fish in the tank (maybe add a goby/shrimp pair later). It's primiarly going to be my new maxi mini carpet garden tank with some bubbles for the clowns to host.

Thoughts? Concerns?

I wanted to move them over later tonight . . .

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My female B&W clown in my last tank was a complete b*tch and used to relentlessly chase her poor male. The first male vanished -found dried to a crisp under the tank a couple of years later. :hmm: The 2nd one was tolerated by her. He never completely jumped, but would hop out of the water to try to get away when she was in one of her "moods." So yup, they can be jumpers.

Another option you could try is a mesh lid: http://www.nano-reef...howtopic=212941

I've got one of my current tank and it looks pretty nice as far as covers go. (Scroll down a bit on this page to see pics of mine.) I like that it doesn't cause the condensation/heat problems a glass lid can. They're v easy to make too (I'm not handy at all and I managed it!) :)

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I had a pair for over 5yrs and one day for no reason the female jumped from my old solana. she was the dominate fish in the tank so nothing messed with her. normally they dont even go to the surface of the water, but for some reason she jumped. i wasnt home when she did so i lost her. so in 5yrs ive only had 1 jumper and always ran open top tanks. so i would think no.

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Thanks all for the comments. I haven't moved them yet, but I'm going to look into a screen lid. They are currently in a smaller tank with a glass lid over 2/3 of the tank and have not jumped. They hang out together and like each other's company. The only time I see them at the surface is when I feed them. Otherwise, they love to swim in the flow.

I appreciate all the input!

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