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Firefish MIA


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My firefish went MIA the day I scooped my clown out for QT. Chances are he's just hiding in a rock or burrowed in somewhere since that's what they seem to do.

How long should I wait before becoming concerned with the possibility of death? One thing I've noticed is a lot of my nassarius snails are also MIA. I can't help but think to myself perhaps they too are in that rock/burrow munching on a firefish corpse, but without pulling all my rock work out I have no way to be sure which way it went.

Should I just wait it out? He hasn't even come out to eat that I've seen.

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I hope he just hiding somewhere but firefish are known to be jumpers. I would do a thorough sweep all around your tank.

I've got some egg crate on my tank, put it up the day I brought the firefish home. There's been nothing around the tank that I've seen unless the dog got it.

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I'd second that you should look around your tank. I'm not sure eggcrate is enough to keep a firefish in, especially if it got a lucky jump. I had one jump through the slit of a closed biocube lid that was no more than a quarter inch wide, and if I hadn't actually watched him do it, I would never have believed it.

Also, he may just be intimidated by the new clowns. Firefish can hide for days. My current red one hid for two weeks without me ever seeing him when I had to move him into a 35 gallon with my pygmy angel and royal gramma.

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Fish isn't anywhere I can find him in/around the tank without tearing my rock apart. I checked the back compartments of my Solana to see if he somehow made it back there with no luck.

I guess I'll just keep an eye out.

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IMHO you're worrying about something over which you have no control. If he's hiding, you hanging out around the tank hoping to catch a glimpse will likely only spook him more. If he died - of the brook or anything else - by now the clean up crew has long since consumed his carcass. If he dies in the next few days, that's what will happen anyway, and a firefish dying in a tank your size that is fully cycled is not going to hit the params much if at all. My money is on him jumping, if only because I've seen that happen so many times (they're hard to spot when they're dried out - look for the flash of red amongst the tangle behind the tank, they always seem to manage to land in the power cords), but he could easily show up in a week none the worse for wear. If it gives you heart I thought my skunk clown had died while I was out of town a couple weeks ago, but yesterday I was doing a water change and thought to check the return chamber in my Nanocube, and there he was, fit as a fiddle. He even jumped back over the back wall into the main tank when I stuck the net next to him.

Anyway, your firefish will either show up or not, but there's not a lot you can do about it either way.

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IMHO you're worrying about something over which you have no control. If he's hiding, you hanging out around the tank hoping to catch a glimpse will likely only spook him more. If he died - of the brook or anything else - by now the clean up crew has long since consumed his carcass. If he dies in the next few days, that's what will happen anyway, and a firefish dying in a tank your size that is fully cycled is not going to hit the params much if at all. My money is on him jumping, if only because I've seen that happen so many times (they're hard to spot when they're dried out - look for the flash of red amongst the tangle behind the tank, they always seem to manage to land in the power cords), but he could easily show up in a week none the worse for wear. If it gives you heart I thought my skunk clown had died while I was out of town a couple weeks ago, but yesterday I was doing a water change and thought to check the return chamber in my Nanocube, and there he was, fit as a fiddle. He even jumped back over the back wall into the main tank when I stuck the net next to him.

Anyway, your firefish will either show up or not, but there's not a lot you can do about it either way.

You're right there's nothing I can do. That doesn't stop me from wondering/worrying. :)

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My Helfrichi fire fish jumped through the egg crate last year when I was on vacation. My house sitter found it and I was really hoping she was describing the purple one and not the expensive one. I've also had them hide for days...mine hid for a week. I was moving some rocks to a new tank and it was in one of the rocks. It didn't come out for literally a week after being in the new tank. Now it pokes it's head out briefly for food.

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My firefish is RARELY seen. I went two weeks before without seeing one glimpse of the turd. Its too bad too, cause they are really interesting to watch. Occasionally the firefish (aka: "Flamer") makes an appearance, my 5 year old gets super excited, and then he goes right back into hiding. Sooo......I agree with previous replies. I wouldnt worry about your fish. Its most likely hiding cause he got spooked when you were chasing your clown.......and if he is dead, they are small enough to not cause a problem.

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I added a firefish to a tank once and it looked pretty sickly. It floated to the bottom and disappeared. I didn't see the thing for 4 weeks after that and just assumed that it died after being added to the tank and was eaten by whatever was in the tank. Finally I spotted it once and then after that it slowly became more confident and open. Ya never know...

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I added a firefish to a tank once and it looked pretty sickly. It floated to the bottom and disappeared. I didn't see the thing for 4 weeks after that and just assumed that it died after being added to the tank and was eaten by whatever was in the tank. Finally I spotted it once and then after that it slowly became more confident and open. Ya never know...

I had always read they were skittish but the one I picked up was out in the open almost all the time the first week I got it. I thought perhaps I got "lucky" and got a fish that didn't want to hide all the time.

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Check your ammonia levels if they are rising that is a good indications something has died. If the levels remain the same then the fish is hiding. Do the tests it sure beats tearing the rock apart. JMHO


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Also eggcrate is no match for a firefish. Try 1/8" netting it works much better and doesn't block your light like eggcrate.

Yeah this is just temporary until I get some netting going. I still haven't seen the fish in the tank (or the floor), so unless the dog got to it I'm going to have to assume it's in the tank... dead or alive.

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We have lost some firefish. Probably nailed by the 2+ Mantis shrimp that are still hiding in the rocks. They've taken out 4 firefish, a hawkfish and 6 chromis.; also driven 2 zebra striped bar gobies to carpet surf :(

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