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clean up crew


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Man, I just full of questions!

Need to clean some live rock and some bedrock. What kind of brush other than a toothbrush can I use that would do a good job in the least amount of time?


Dave & Robin

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If the rock is in the water you can also use a turkey baster to blow the stuff off the rock.

After the rock is cured and the tank is up and running, is there supposed to be specks of stuff still loose on the rock? I bought all cured rock, but anytime I bump it or if I accidentally aim a powerhead at it, particles go everywhere. I don't know if it's leftover food or rock "castoff" or what.

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That's pretty normal stuff. It could be waste from whatever worms and other inhabitants are living inside the rock, or poo from your hermit crabs or snails. Just turkey baste it up into the water column when you're doing a water change to remove it.

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That's pretty normal stuff. It could be waste from whatever worms and other inhabitants are living inside the rock, or poo from your hermit crabs or snails. Just turkey baste it up into the water column when you're doing a water change to remove it.

Ok. Thanks, Yun.

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