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iPhone Mania


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So the judgment day of cellphonedom is here ... the iPhone gets released tonight. Anyone here going to (or is right now :D ) stand in line at a Cingular AT&T or Apple store?

The inner geek in me wants an iPhone, as it would replace my cell phone, Palm, and iPod. The practical geek in me wants a AT&T 8525 Pocket PC phone (it would replace my cell phone and Palm, and I also want it for game development). Needless to say the inner geek is not getting it's way (I have tons more music I want to carry around than I can fit on the high end iPhone. Plus $600 waaaaaay to much for me to be spending).

I am sure someone around the office will get one and I can oo and ahh at it next week.

Edit: Sorry, just a Friday morning not-feeling-like-working-yet rant :D

Edited by seahorsejl
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If we didn't need more tropic marine salt, lights for the new refugium, a new skimmer for the seahorse tank, my YELLOW GOATFISH, and frozen food, I would probably be in line. I think 6 hundo is too much for something I will drop and eventually wash.

I am waiting for the next generation iPod that will have a touch screen. Rumors have it will be alot like the iPhone only with out the communication feature. I will definately get one because my iPod just bit the dust and I HATE FM RADIO! Plus I kind of want an AppleTV.

For anyone one in the club that does get an iPhone, please take a video of your tank with it, upload that to youtube, and then make a blog entry will the embedded video, all from the palm of your hand. Even better, take a video of a public aquarium and do all of this in a public place.

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I think 6 hundo is too much for something I will drop and eventually wash.

I laughed so hard when I read this. Mainly because I could myself doing the exact same thing.

For anyone one in the club that does get an iPhone, please take a video of your tank with it, upload that to youtube, and then make a blog entry will the embedded video, all from the palm of your hand. Even better, take a video of a public aquarium and do all of this in a public place.

FYI you can load videos into the gallery also. The YouTube and Google Video BB code is cool too.

I've been drooling over the iPhone for quite some time now. Ever since I first saw it on slashdot. But 600 is just too much. Unless of course I win the lottery tomorrow.

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I laughed so hard when I read this. Mainly because I could myself doing the exact same thing.

me too... I am notorious for killing poor innocent cell phones.... so I leave them out in the wild where they can roam free....

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hehe. i'm excited about iphone. i work for apple. so, instead of giving out stock at the end of the fiscal quarter. we get iphones this time around. i am quite excited about getting my iphone. WOOHOO!!

<Napoleon Dynamite> Luuucky </Napoleon Dynamite> :)

Does Apple have an engineering facility here in Austin? Might be time to move from AMD :(

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I was actually over by the Domain apple store on the 29th to get my macbook battery replaced after the recall, took me a long time to find out about it.. but there was nobody in the store, and a que a good 30 meters long waiting to get the iphone at 6 PM, I wouldn't have thought much of it if it wasn't 10:30 in the morning... this confused me for two reasons, for one there are that many people unwilling to just order online and get their phone delivered to their door on monday, and two there are that many austinites who can both afford to drop 600 bucks on an iphone and afford to take a weekday off of work to stand in the sun for 9 hours and wait for it... I understand apple fandom but at the end of the day it's still just a cellphone... the first run of everything apple makes is generally kind of crappy compared to the upgrade that's inevitably released a year later anyway.

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well for 1, if you bought it online, there is a 2-4 week wait to get it shipped.

for 2, who wants to wait a year for a super duper gadget!!!?!?!?!

and, at the end of the day, you have a cell phone, a web browser, an ipod , and a super duper gadget that makes your techy geeky friends drool!!

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Ok, as the one who started this thread saying I wasn't to get one, I have a confession to make .....

I got an iPhone yesterday, and all I can say is it rocks! :D

The screen and interface are super slick. And I am starting to get better at using the keyboard, but I was never a big texter).

The Google Maps thing is very cool ... I put the location of the next meeting in there this morning (not that it is difficult to find).

So my < 24 hours review is a whopping ^_^

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