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Rob, I just did buy two cheap double bulb shop lights with 6500K bulbs: bulbs were $6 each and fixture was nine dollars. The first fixture lasted 3 days and the second made one day. The tanks are on the south side of my home in an exterior poarch. These tanks are linked with a 150 gallon stock tank buried in the ground. In the future this sump tank buried in the ground will feed multiple small tanks exposed to direct sunlight. During the summer time it is easy to cool water using evaporation. In the winter, heating is expensive. I capture some solar and geothermal energy. Last winter I started running $500 a month electric bills with at least $300 going into heating water to 75 degrees. I have now selected temperature tolerant seaweed that is ediable by fish and people.

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In that case, I'd suggest either a DIY T5 setup or a used T5 unit such as a TEK or Nova Extreme Pro. Either should be fine for growing macro, and you could use the GE daylight lamps which you should be able to get reasonably cheap($15 per at Reefgeek). I'd only replace them when they burn out too, should be able to get a year out of them.

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I am also considering usings clip on assembles with a damp proof socket and a 16W PC bulb from Home Depot/Lowes. Its an inexpensive refugium light but I have cliped on (8) 60Wbulbs putting out 480W of illumination at 6500K . It is unattractive but for an outside growout system whose goal is to at least pay for itself it works for me. .

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I got two of these 2L T8 brand new in my garage made for outdoors with lamps and cord.

I think the exterior is made from fiberglass w/ a clear lens.

Bought last year for my patio but never hung it and probably never will ;)

$40.00 each and its yours.



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